HA is unresponsive and hangs - can't identify why!


Since a few days ago i have noticed that my hass.io instance seems to hang and stall and at times doesn’t open up the front end. I think its a connection problem or an internet issue but can’t be sure.

I have clean installed my instance on a brand new image and then restored from backup but the issue still persists. I thought it might be a internet/ISP issue but i don’t have any other issues with devices on my home network.

I have attached my logs so someone with some technical ability can maybe identify what the issues is. I also set up a ping binary sensor to poll google DNS every 5 seconds and i have a picture of the average ping times below but dont have the know-how to tell if it means anything or not.


Set up
Hassio - Pi4 4GB
System: HassOS 3.5 (armv7 / raspberrypi4)
Home Assistant version: 0.99.3
Supervisor version: 189
connected through ethernet directly to router.


can any1 solve the mystery?

I realised that my Hassio was stable before I switched to my new SD card and I forgot that when I did that I moved from the RPi4 64 bit to the 32bit version and that’s when my problems started!!

Either that or the new SD card was corrupted from the get go but I doubt it

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