HA + iSmartGatePRO or GogoGate2 - available states?

Hi everyone,

Hoping someone might be able to assist here, I currently use an iSmartGate for our garage doors. HA has picked up the device automatically which is great. I can open/close without issue.

I’ve even been able to setup some basic automation based on when its open and closed, pure guess work at best this was. Example of the ‘open’ automation is below

- id: '1608698091834'
  alias: Garage Notify - Open
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: cover.maindoor
    to: open
  condition: []
  - service: script.sonos_say
      sonos_entity: media_player.office
      volume: 0.5
      message: Garage Door Open
      delay: 00:00:05
  - service: notify.mobile_app_vog_l29
      title: Alert
      message: Garage Door Opened

Now while this is good, what I’m wanting to do is have the system notify me as soon as the door starts to open, so in “opening” mode.

However I don’t know where to look / find what states the entity cover.maindoor can be set too or equate too.

I found ‘open’ / ‘closed’ by trial error.
opened or opening both dont work, unless I need to handle it a different way.

Wondering if its limit is ‘open’ or ‘closed’ and if I want to be able to have triggered events based on when the door starts to open I might need additional sensors on the door perhaps.

Look forward to any helpful input, I feel I’m missing something right in front of my face.

I have a GogoGate2 integrated using the standard integration.

My automations trigger on states: ‘open’, ‘closed’
However, in my lovelace UI I display different buttons / icons based on the door states and use:
‘opening’, ‘closing’, ‘open’, ‘closed’ - these all display accurately.

Yeah i noticed those states as well. However trying to get an action to trigger based on ‘opening’ or ‘closing’ fails/nothing happens unless you use open or closed it seems.

Would you be able to show the code behind how your buttons/icons change based on state ? that might help me get automation working with different states instead of just open/closed.

  - card:
      entity: cover.garage_door
        action: call-service
        service: cover.close_cover
          entity_id: cover.garage_door
      icon: 'mdi:garage-open'
      name: Garage
      state_color: false
      tap_action: none
      theme: Backend-selected
      type: entity-button
      - entity: cover.garage_door
        state: open
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: cover.garage_door
        action: call-service
        service: cover.open_cover
          entity_id: cover.garage_door
      icon: 'mdi:garage'
      name: Garage
      tap_action: none
      theme: Backend-selected
      type: entity-button
      - entity: cover.garage_door
        state: closed
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: cover.garage_door
      hold_action: none
      icon: 'mdi:garage-alert'
      name: Garage
      tap_action: none
      theme: Backend-selected
      type: entity-button
      - entity: cover.garage_door
        state: opening
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: cover.garage_door
      hold_action: none
      icon: 'mdi:garage-alert'
      name: Garage
      tap_action: none
      theme: Backend-selected
      type: entity-button
      - entity: cover.garage_door
        state: closing
    type: conditional
type: horizontal-stack

Hi @TazUk

Apologies for not replying sooner, I’ve been playing with this off/on since your reply.
Like yourself, I’ve got automations working with ‘open’ and ‘closed’ but I cannot get automations working on “opening”

Reason I’m trying for ‘opening’ is by the time the alert comes through the speakers or notification on the phone, the door has been open for about 1min45secs , which isnt’ very helpful. In my instance I’m wanting the house to be notified as soon as the door starts opening, not wait 1-2minutes to allow people to walk in and grab something out of the garage and leave :slight_smile:

It’s really interesting why the automations dont work on the status, though.
I’m assuming since the logbook only shows ‘open’ and ‘closed’ status in it when the door opens or closes and not the ‘opening’ / ‘closing’ is why automations dont work perhaps

My logbook shows the same, as does my entity history - open and closed only.
However comparing my security cameras and logbook timings from this morning:

  • Garage door began to open at 09:39:33
  • HA logbook shows opened event at 09:39:36
  • Garage door closed at 09:42:!2
  • HA logbook shows closed event at 09:42:16

Based on what I’m seeing I’m wondering whether the root cause for the delays you are seeing is down to HA? I would expect you to see far faster changes in state.

Could it be:

  • iSmartGate rather than GogoGate2?
  • Setup on the device itself?
    I’m not familiar with the differences between GogoGate and iSmartGate, but our GogoGate is isolated from internet access and runs locally only.
  • Networking related?
    Our garage is separate to the house but has a Unifi WAP (I run a full Unifi stack at home) hard-wired to the house via a POE switch in the garage and a buried armoured CAT6 cable giving a full 1 Gigabit link to the house.

On reflection, it may be worth you checking timings against the iSmartGate control application directly (whilst on your LAN). That may help narrow the field.
Does the iSmartGate offer local only control or is it dependent on an external hosted service?

it has a ‘remote access’ option to disable, but home assistant picked it up on the local area network.
I also run Unifi AP

I thougth iSmartGatePro + GogoGate2 were the same unit just with different name. I will check the timings.

My thought is that with the sensor on the actual door, it has to be in a different state for a few seconds before it confirms the door has moved and send a notification. (which doesnt sound right)

Is it their wireless sensor?
I had a Gogogate v1 originally (pre HA) with a wireless sensor and had dreadful problems with the sensor dropping out. Took me months to prove it to their Devs and in the end they sent me V2 with a wired sensor free.

wireless door sensor the ‘ismartgate wireless tilt sensor’

Just did the timing test on it, takes about 35seconds for the door to open, home assistant didnt receive any notification in the log until 35sec mark when it immediately sent the notifications out.

Same with closing, hit the close button, kept eye on log and was just under 35secs (door had closed) and then it was registered in the logbook and notification sent.

  • edit - I’ve sent ismartgate support an email as well, reviewing their documentation, apparently when the door starts to move the ‘sensor’ light on the actual unit should start to flicker a lot faster detecting movement and mine stays the exact same, slow pulsating light. So we’ll see if that might be something to do with it.

Support got back to me and said there is a delay but havent confirmed if 35-40sec is the delay time, as the tilt sensor doesnt make the connection light flash ‘faster’ as it should.

They did recommend this - https://shopaustralia.ismartgate.com/sensors/58-smart-gate-door-wired-sensor-843701944750.html

Wired sensor for realtime notification which i can wire into my smartgate, so it might be worth me purchasing that perhaps.

I do tend to prefer wired sensors where possible - I’ve certainly had zero issues with mine which has been in operation since 2015.