HA kiosk options

I am trying to do something that seems like it shouldn’t be so difficult but it is turnout out to be exactly that.
I have a rental home that has a pool. I have been able to set up a pool control with a couple of sonoffs where i can program settings remotely using HA. Now what i would like to do is take a raspberry, add HA to control the pool, add a touch screen to it and set up a dashboard that the renters can use to turn the pool light on and off, set the temperature, etc.
The issue is I dont want them to have any access to the other settings. i see there is kiosk mode for HA but that doesnt seem to work and it is possible to get to the other dashboards if you can figure out the URL. Additionally from what i can see, it does not work since some updates to HA There is also “wall panel” but that also has similar issues and isnt very secure. In each of the above cases i would have to have a second raspberry or tablet. One for the hass io and one with a browser where i could view the dashboards.
What i would really like to do is do all of this in one self contained raspberry. After lots of research i found that i can install HA on a raspberry OS where i will have a browser. I found an video on youtube by Mark Watt where he sets up a raspberry with no desk top, it just has a browser installed. This would work well for me. I could set this up and it would basically show only what I want to show. I can access the raspberry using SSH and all should work well.
Here is the problem i am having. I cant seem to get HA supervised installed on the raspberry. When ever i do it i get to loading the dependancies and get an error saying the systemd.resolved is not available. I have been able to start it and stop it via the terminal but it wont load when i try to install HA supervised in a container. i really do need to be able to use addons which i cant use without the supervisor. I have been able to set up HA in docker on the raspberry and set up the kiosk mode and it is exactly what i need. The only issue is i dont have supervisor.
Again with more research i “think” i should be able to add supervisor to my current installation of HA but i cant find any instructions which show how to do it. If i go to integrations>supervisor i am told it has to be installed manually. There is a link on how to do this but that has no instruction on installing it at all.
So my questions are:
Is there a way to add a browser to HA OS so that i can install it on the same raspberry as i use for my touch screen, OR
Is there a way to add supervisor to my docker contained raspberry, OR
Has anyone ever encountered the issue with systemd.resolved which is preventing me from installing HA supervised?
Any help is greatly appreciated

I’m using this, with a dedicated user login seeing just one lovelace view. All other views are hidden for it.

so this thing only can access one website, that’s the HA instance, logs in as a special user and sees only one view page.

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Honestly I’d separate the HA install and the display.

Sounds like this is going to be in a space where you don’t have security. Especially in a rental where I only know who they are from the rental company. No way I’d have my actual install out in the open like that.

If you want to use a touchscreen and a pi that’s fine (i prefer a cheap Android tablet and fully kiosk myself) @BebeMischa’s link should work.
Honestly though id just have it only be a dumb kiosk browser but no HA on it. Renters suck and I suspect this thing will grow legs at least once.

Make it cheap and easily replaceable.

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I actually already am able to do that with the raspberry kiosk mode (although i like your way better) but the issue is i have HA in docker that does not have supervisor. I am trying to run HA on the same raspberry as the display and don’t seem to be able to get it on there due to the systemd.resolved error.
Thanks for your response. I do think his will be helpful.

This is a summer rental house. Been doing it for years and most renters are those who have stayed before. This will be mounted to the wall. Im not concerned at all about theft. There are many other things in the house that are more valuable.
My issue with renters is mostly that they turn the pool heat. up to 90 which i have no problem with. But when they are done they forget to turn it down. Then it rains for 2 days and im paying to heat a pool that isnt getting used. i would like them to be able to set the heat and turn the light on and off but I can put safeguards in that will automatically shut the heat off at a certain time as well as the light.

I did explore fully kiosk and considering that as an alternative.

HACS store have Kiosk mode addon. You can hide pretty much anything with it - maybe it will help you. This and cheap android tablet with fully kiosk browser and you can lock out system.

I use this HACS Kiosk mode addon with Android & iOS app called HAkiosk available in Play and App Store https://www.hakiosk.com :nerd_face: