I have my own iPhone and my wife’s iPhone running the iOS Companion app, and on the Map screen, we both appear at the correct sites. I’m uptown at the office, and she’s south at the school. What are the actual sensor values for these devices and their locations?
Interesting. I’m looking at Hass.IO / Developer Tools / States, and DO see all the location information. Looks like I need to dig a little deeper.
Her phone is still using the Beta app, and I seriously need to update it.
My phone is using the 2.0 released app, and yet it shows:
state: not_home (correct!)
I’d start by updating if her location is not updating. I also noticed that if the app isn’t used in some time, it does not perform updates.
And that device tracker is not the device tracker created by the ios app btw. That’s created by your router. So you gotta find the one with source_type gps
No, I manually clean up her apps from time to time.
No, it appears her location is reporting correctly.
I think there is some disconnect/disparity between what the HA Map screen shows (absolutely correct) versus what’s available in the default sensors. Plus, while the ‘zone’ locations appear correct on the map, they are not reported anywhere in a sensor?
Yes, I definitely understand the difference between my router and the app. So, I’ll have to check a multitude of sensors and values before determining a legitimate zone location?
template editor or the states page will show the lat and lon. It’s the same method as you’d use to get the device tracker info. Not to mention, it will also show you the source.
Checking in the template editor from my phone, it simply shows ‘none’.
Finally got home, where I can work on this a bit more. First things first:
I did not have any ‘Persons’ defined
Entirely my fault, I mistakenly thought HA User == Person. Nope.
Second, there were multiple iOS devices in the Integrations page.
I deleted the majority of them and restarted Home Assistant.
Then I confirmed the remaining two devices are the appropriate ones.
Now, let’s see what’s reported in the template editor.
What do you mean? Are you sure that it’s creating multiple or is it just creating a new entity_id because the last one was never deleted?
WHat I mean by that is, if an entity_id exists, home assistant will make a new one with the same name but increment the last number… i.e. lights.kitchen_1, lights.kitchen_2, etc. Once you ‘register’ a name with a device it sticks forever unless you remove it from the registry.