HA media player not playing .avi movies, only mp3 and mp4 video.
mkv files are not visible at all!
I tried to install VLC as an addon, it appeared as an entity and i have nothing to do about it.
HA media player not playing .avi movies, only mp3 and mp4 video.
mkv files are not visible at all!
I tried to install VLC as an addon, it appeared as an entity and i have nothing to do about it.
Web browsers don’t support mkv containers.
well i would like to cast it to a tv using HA, but i can’t
maybe there is an integration or something to change default HA media browser player?
because it doesnt make any sense of that browser player existance
bump + i have about all my dvds on a network drive as .iso , the thing wont list them either, is there any way or mp4 only (i only have it for two weeks but it somewhat feels like doing linux in the 1990s with an interface that looks like it can do anything (it fails to see the sensors in my 4 arenti/meari cams as well there seems to be much to work on)
An .iso file is an archive file not a media file so I believe you’ll need to convert them.
i fear the same, which is somewhat of a drag b/c VLC can play them “as a dvd” and i use vlc-telnet as media players on all things i can install it on which is why i was hoping it could “just play the dvd” as converting it (i did a few with handbrake now) requires per-chapter and requires burning the subtitles (in case of for instance japanese anime) , im pretty new to HA so i dont know enough about either yaml or interconnectivity with pc’s , i bet if i can use some kind of ssh to trigger a script on the “local”/“client” it can do what i want just fine, i just dont know how to do it (yet) im actually still not at “how to do variables in yaml” yet - if i figure it out ill post it here. Using dvd’s “as is” instead of manually converted chapters must be the better way as far as i can see - takes up space but whats in a terabyte today, its not like i keep the mediafiles on the raspi running HA they’re all on mechanical drives in a different box on the network … its a cool thing to play with tho sometimes i feel like its “doing linux in the '90s” … its a long road ahead
and thanks for taking the time to reply btw
Yes handbrake is not ideal these day unless you revert to the older versions. I use version 1.5.1 which I think is from 2022. I use Emby and control my movie server via HA.
How are you streaming the DVDs? What player is processing them?
edited below btw
edited twice : look for “edit:” and “edit2:” ctrl-f or something its getting quite technical and im not really a stage-teacher
i have an instance of vlc telnet running, the files are all on a samba share which seems to pick up a very limited number of extensions
vlc -q -I telnet --telnet-password=password --telnet-port=9999
the -q option is b/c it keeps throwing some kind of prefetch error which doesnt seem to do anything i kept the files on a drive with an usb dock before but now i have HA it would be nice to just run it all from one place, especially since id like to try and get it to listen to voice commands some time soon
edit :
i tested wether it can actually play .iso over telnet instance and it certainly seems to work
open up a client instance with the above command
(lol … another thing i noticed and right now as “she” asks "did you put out the trash yet (17:00pm) on calendar event or anything else its interrupts the stream but doesnt resume , i assume that can be fixed with YAML but im really barely scraping the surface here i dont even know how to use variables in the scripts yet, its been like two weeks) but
ah yea so you open an instance on the client you wish to broadcast to with above command
then on the server you open with
nc ip.address.to.clientinstance 9999
then enter the password you set on the client
then either
add /media/fulltpathto/BLACK_LAGOON_BOX1_VOL1.x264.m4v
add /media/fullpath/BLACK_LAGOON_BOX1_VOL1.iso
using smb: seems to not work
add smb://sambaserver/sharename/BLACK_LAGOON_BOX1_VOL1.iso
doesnt play
there we are, thats the dvd like it would play on a hardware player, playing from an iso which i had to copy to the pc running the serve command here
however this means with time and sandwhiches and ssh it should be possible if HA allows calling shell scripts local or via ssh (i assume it can do that at least)
it would just be nice if this “just worked” lol ,
all that above works if the dvd file is on the client pc (i was using localhost as address there)
if you wanna move over the network it gets a bit longer but it still rolls
first issue is : it wont play .iso /dvd from a samba share even with the right path/syntax it gives some kind of broken pipe error, apparently this is a “known issue” in vlc-freak milieu , however
add smb://username:[email protected]/sharename/cdmuz/Channel%20Zero/Black%20Fuel/01%20Black%20Fuel.flac
add smb://username:[email protected]/sharename/converted/BLACK_LAGOON_BOX1_VOL1.h264nvenc.m4v
add smb://username:[email protected]/sharename/converted/BLACK_LAGOON_BOX1_VOL1.x264.m4v
but not for a .iso file, however the .ISO file DOES play if its local on the pc that runs the vlc telnet client instance
now the work-around is
(heh …)
use the local mount which apparently sits at
add /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=server.name,share=sinemmas/Dread.iso
and once more Bob is your uncle, your and also other …
this is very likely something for people living in a borg cube however we feel it shouldnt be too much for the people maintaining HAos to implement, they should understand this incoherent sticky note collection i think and it would be awfully nice to “just work”
my other option was to do a script that ask to “please wait loading dvd and then scp it from the samba box to the player box” but this is clearly better - thanks for helping me answer my question lol, sorry for the chaos, but thats the only way we communicate it cant be helped
not anymore
on the subject of the €25 arenti babymonitors that are excellent security cams , we think if the bossman from HA mails them and sais, can i have your network protocols we’de like to detect and incorporate your sensors it only sees IR light at the moment they have more chance of getting an answer than if a borg skitzo tries, anyway
thanks for helping me figure this out, m not being sarcastic, just having it here got me going
maybe it gets someone else something too, but it should certainly allow the programmers at HA to implement this ( i think … its not chinese, right its just chaos)
right okay …
have a nice day, im sure ill be back with a lot of questions