Hey folks,
a few weeks ago I asked on twitter if people would be interested in a Home Assistant meetup in Berlin (Germany) and a lot of people liked the idea. So I created a meetup group and 60 people already joined: https://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Home-Assistant/
For the first meetup we will livestream the “State of the Union 2019” from Amsterdam on the 13th of November. If you want to join us, it would be great if you could RSVP so I have an idea how many people will attend: https://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Home-Assistant/events/265634883/
If you can’t make it in November, please make sure to join the meetup group anyways to receive messages about future events! We will probably have a second meetup in January 2020 and I hope some local people will present their Home Assistant setups or other home automation related projects and ideas.