Ha Multiscrape

Has anyone been able to setup ha multiscrape to get data from their etsy shop? Etsy is pretty locked down from scraping. I have been getting captcha stuff from the response log. It would really be nice to be able to create sensors from etsy data. I have also requested an API but seems like that is going to be complicated to get to work as well.
I’m hoping that someone has an idea or a direction to go in order to bring in sales information into home assistant from Etsy.

 - name: etsy scraper
    resource: 'https://shop.etsy.com'
    scan_interval: 60
    log_response: True
    method: GET
      resource: 'https://www.etsy.com/your/shops/me/dashboard'
      submit_once: True
      select: "#join-neu-form"
        Email address: login
        Password: 'password'
        select: "#content > div.shop-home > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div.wt-pb-xs-4.shop-home-header.wt-mb-lg-0 > div.wt-body-max-width.wt-pt-xs-5.wt-pt-lg-0.wt-pr-lg-4.wt-pl-lg-4 > div > div > div > div.wt-max-width-full.wt-grid.wt-pr-lg-5.wt-width-full.display-initial-md-down.wt-align-items-center > div.wt-grid__item-xs-12.wt-display-flex-xs.wt-grid__item-lg-6.wt-pr-lg-4.wt-flex-direction-column-xs.wt-flex-direction-row-lg.wt-align-items-center.center-md-down > div.shop-home-header-info.shop-info.wt-pl-lg-3.wt-display-inline-block.wt-vertical-align-top.text-truncate-x > div.shop-info > div.shop-sales-reviews.wt-display-flex-xs.wt-flex-wrap.wt-align-items-center.center-md-down > span.wt-text-caption.wt-no-wrap > a"
        value_template: '{{ value.split("Sales")[0] | int }}'
        name: etsy order
        unique_id: etsyorder

The information I want seems to be generated by javascript so from my understanding multiscrape is not going to work

Their captcha is super aggressive, I can’t even login using Firefox as a normal human lol