HA + Mysensors wont boot after reboot or hard reset

Hi guys
I have a problem recently.
My system is build with about 100 sensors connected to Arduinos.which are connected via USB hub to Rpi3 + SD card or SSD (it doesn’t matter, I work on 2 variants). In Arduino I use Mysensors sketches modified for my purposes. Everything worked fine.
Until version 0.100 I had no problems. 2 weeks ago i turned off Rpi3 and HA won’t start.
Ping works, but Web GUI + SSH is unavailable.
If I disconnect the Rpi3 completely and plug it in to standard charger, the system will start up with message:
2020-11-20 00:23:43 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=13 from 2020-11-12 22:56:23.477800)

I think that by default it is a bug related to an unfinished database entry, but please tell me if something can be done about it. I use standard DB.
I want to avoid a situation in which I leave home, there will be no electricity and after starting I will not be able to connect to my house …
Like I said - in version 0.100 everything worked fine. It is also not the fault of the SD card or SSD (I tested on different configurations and it is always the same). I still don’t wont to disable recorder completely (But I’ve tried also this option and it also doesnt help).

I’ve tried fresh install and it works also the same way - everythings work well until second boot. When I reboot it by “Reboot” button or pull out the plugs - HA won’t start…

Please help