HA NeoPool MQTT: integration of Tasmota NeoPool (for Sugar Valley, Hayward/Aquarite, Bayrol devices)

@Everybody: I updated the package and lovelace file:

  • Created new Water Flow mqtt binary sensor based on hydrolysis_fl1 binary sensor (inverted state)
  • Updated lovelace UI to accomodate Water Flow sensor

How does the auxiliary relays work? What kind of physical contactors do you need to control lights, UV and so on?
Normally open or closed, or pulse relays?

This is described in the operating instructions for your device:

Aux1 and Aux2 each have two contacts for (230V) AC devices connected directly with AC Phase and Neutral. Caution: One of the two contacts carries (230V) AC output when Aux is ON.

Aux3 and Aux4 are potential-free NO contacts, the two contacts are connected to each other when Aux is switched on.

It’s different: pH pump is like Aux1 and 2 and supply 230V AC, Filtration and Light are potential-free NO contacts. Again, please refer to your manual.

The most important things to know about Aux (and only Aux!) with this integration:
Aux1-4 only works with this integration when using an ESP32 with installed NeoPool enhancements script.

Thank you very much!
Iv’e understood that the PH pump and aux2 can be connected directly, as long as the power draw is low, but i cant find anywhere in the documentation what you mention for aux 3 and 4. This solves it, thanks!

I was having issues getting this to compile and upload. After running

platformio run -v -e tasmota32 --target upload --upload-port /dev/ttyUSB0

It would error and using the Install Tasmota to retrieve the console logs, it showed it was stuck in a

flash read err, 1000

reboot loop

To resolve this, I had to edit the platform_override.ini file and do the following

    • Comment out tasmota and uncomment tasmona32 from the default_envs section
    • Uncomment the upload_speed setting, set tio 115200, in the env:tasmota32_base section

Note that I’m not sure which of these solved my problem, I just know I did both

I think it was point 1, origin ini overruled the -e selection on command line.
But you only need one: Commenting out tasmota and uncomment tasmona32 is enough, then you don’t need -e. If you use -e, it is sufficient to comment out tasmota.

But note: You can find ready-made Tasmota binaries for the main ESP platforms including NeoPool under Alessandro’s github repo within firmware folder, I updated it to the latest Tasmota version last week.

Ahh, there is no actual link in the original post to the github repo at HA-NeoPool-MQTT/README.md at main ¡ alexdelprete/HA-NeoPool-MQTT ¡ GitHub

I’ve found it now. thanks.

Really? :wink:

HA-NeoPool-MQTT/README.md at main ¡ alexdelprete/HA-NeoPool-MQTT ¡ GitHub :

Since the NeoPool driver is not contained in Tasmota precompiled binaries, you need to compile your own build or use one of the precompiled binary from the firmware folder.

For the first post here that’s true but only the repo itself is always up to date.

Sorry, I meant there is no link to the github repo on this page. Eg in the first post

When you custom compile your version, make sure to choose the dev branch and verify after flashing that version is at least v13.2.0.2 . I will update notes to specify the stable min. version once known. When you custom compile your build, you’ll need to use the user_config_override.h provided in the compiler folder of this repository; this will automatically enable NeoPool and also configure all settings automatically without requiring to manually follow the manual steps of next section.

There are no links in that section of text.

To be clear, I’m not complaining here and vastly appreciate all the work you guys have put into this, just pointing out as a relative newcomer to the home assistant space that there might be some assumed knowledge going on.

The text of the first post of this thread is the README.MD of the repository. It is my duty to keep this in sync with the repo. Since @curzon01 updated it lately I forgot to update the text here. My bad. I’ve just updated the OP.

In any case, I personally always read everything I can when I analyze a new integration, for me the GH repo is always the main source of info, so I always recommend reading both. :slight_smile:

you are right, sometimes we fall into this trap. If you have other recommendations please let us know. Regarding the documentaion/instructions, user contributions to make it as clear and simple as possible are always appreciated. You can submit a PR in the repo if you would like to help us improve that.

Once I found the actual repo it all made sense. The only difference was I had to use Install Tasmota as I’m running linux.

After installing tasmota, the internal led on the M5 atom lite is no longer on, not a problem, I just thought for a moment that I had bricked the device.

Now my only remaining problem is that, unsurprisingly, when I close my acoustic box, it operates as a faraday cage and blocks the signal.

@alexdelprete pls could you add the GH link at the very top of your first post? It’s really hard to find the github repo within the text…

Added buttons for GH repo etc. at the very beginning in the repo readme. The OP is the carbon copy of that readme.

Let me know if it’s clear enough.

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First of all THANKS Alessandro for this well done integration, I have it working in a Sugar Valley Oxilife controller without problems.

I have a question for you, is it possible to use the free gpio of the Atom Lite with HA? I mean the controller attached to the Sugar Valley.

Best regards and thanks.

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Yes of course, for example I use one of the GPIOs of my Atom Lite for additional several DS18x20 temperature sensors, these are then also automatically available in HA.

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Thanks for your reply, I want to integrate a switch flow in the Atom Lite, I only have to connect it to a gpio and will be discovered automatically?

Almost, but you need the two wires from your switch and Tasmota adapted configuration. One of your switch wire goes to a free GPIO, the other to GND (default) or +3.3V of the Atom.

The switch must also be configured within Tasmota. Tasmota does not automatically recognize that a switch is suddenly connected to a GPIO. Either you change the template (under Tasmota Configuration → Configure Template) or you change the GPIO assignment without changing the template (under Configuration → Configure Module). Both work.

A configured Tasmota switch is then automatically recognised by HA.

However, this is all a Tasmota topic. You can find more about this within the Tasmota docs under Expanding Tasmota and Buttons and Switches


Thanks for your kind words, but most of the real work is the Tasmota NeoPool “driver”, developed by @curzon01. The only thing I did was contact him, asked him for some changes (breaking his b***s too much sometimes), and also showing him how good HA was, and he also migrated to this platform. So now we have a Tasmota expert developer that is also an HA user. I could only hope this would be the final outcome.

So 70% of the credit goes to Norbert, I’ll take only 30%. :slight_smile:

As you can see he’s the one fully answering your specific question, not me. Let’s say we created a good team. :slight_smile:


Thanks Allesandro

One correction: “SmartPool” looks like a created phrase for your integration. You won’t find anything under this term within Tasmota.

The Tasmota “driver” itself is called “NeoPool” (from the Sugar Valley internal naming for their controllers called “NeoPool Control System”)

Yes, sorry for the mistake, I amended the post to not create confusion. :slight_smile:

I used SmartPool for sensors before I found your driver in Tasmota. Mentally I’m still attached to that name probably. Sorry about that. :slight_smile: