Hi Team, i updated yesterday HA and all HACS integrations and i am shocked how overloaded the new Entity from LG is looking like.
before it was much smaller and better usable e.g. for a Smartphone
how can i rollback to before-Version or does i only have the way to change to e.g. Mushroom Climate or similar?
This was changed not just for HACS, this is the same for all Climate integrations looks like it.
Also curious of why this was changed and can I use older version.
It is not very bad but all changes like that are scary
P.S. this is off topic but I just recently created these panels for each of my ACs for quick actions. Need time to setup but very productive - no need to open UI and select items from drop boxes, just quickly press buttons. even have 3 presets at the end to save even more time.