HA not discovering ALL of the payload and displaying only some of the data from MQTT

MQTT and Home Assistant have been running faultlessly together for years. This issue is not related to any upgrades.

I just installed a Tasmota (ESP8266 with Tasmota 13.3.03) (TasLinky) device connected to my electrical Smart Meter - Linky (France)

All works fine. Communicates with MQTT addon in HA. Works well too as far as I get usage data as an entity under the discovered device and entities under HA - devices.

However other ‘fields’ in the same payload do not appear to be discovered by HA and do not appear as entities under the same device.

I can see the info is being sent by tasmota in the console screen. I can see the entries in MQTT using MQTT explorer. However they do not appear as entities under that device in HA along with the discovered entities.

A suggestion was to use:

  • platform: teleinfo
    tag_name: “OPTARIF”
    name: “Type subscription”
    icon: mdi:handshake

  • platform: teleinfo
    tag_name: “PTEC”
    name: “Tarif ongoing”
    icon: mdi:clock-time-nine-outline

But pasting this into config yaml just created an error when i tried to save it. Probably pasting it into the wrong place or using the wrong spacing I guess.

The thing I don’t understand is that some of the data is discovered by HA and represented as an entity but some is not. It is as if there is a filter set somewhere to autodiscover some items and not others.

Can anyone shed any light on this or has anyone else experienced the same issue?

Tasmota Main Page. Circled is one of the entities I want to get into HA

Tasmota config.

Console output showing sent data to MQTT - data of interest underlined.

The same data identified in MQTT Explorer.

the autodiscovered entities in HA

Thanx for any help you can offer.

Hi community.
This issue seems to have resolved itself 20 days later. I did do an upgrade to 2024.2.1 but not sure if that was the fix in itself. Any way very happy.