HA not polling

Hi all!

I’m having some trouble with some of my z-wave devices, namely my thermostat. Home Assistant seems to not want to poll them… at all. Here’s what I’ve got set (cherry-picked what I think are the relevant parts):

  usb_path: /dev/zwave
  polling_interval: 10000
  debug: true

    polling_intensity: 1
    polling_interval: 5000

  platform: zwave

There is no messages in any log file of any kind of the thermostat and HA communicating at all… for hours. It would probably be days if I didn’t restart recently.

Any thoughts?

Is the thermostat battery operated or hardwired? If it is a battery powered device, you can’t poll it.

It’s hardwired.

I was actually able to figure it out - turns out I needed to have the customization in the z-wave config itself, but the name of the attribute changed from customization to device_config, which took me a while to find in the changelog.