HA not work after update from 0.100.3 to 0.101.3

after pressing update button in home assistant , my HA is not opening , i have tried to restore snapshot with CLI but same problem ,

some of my forwarded ports are working ,

but if i try to open HA through my internal network like or 6052 then it does not open .
is there anyway i can get it running again ?

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$ hassio help

➜  /workspace hassio homeassistant info 
arch: armv7
boot: true
custom: false
image: homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant
last_version: 0.101.3
machine: raspberrypi3
port: 8123
ssl: false
version: 0.100.3
wait_boot: 600
watchdog: true
➜  /workspace 

What does the log say ? Did you read the breaking changes ? There are already a few threads on this forum about the update from 0.100.x to 0.101.x . Did you find a solution there ?

It’s 8123 not 8321, unless you changed the default.