Hello I’m running HA OS 11.2 (that I installed last time, can’t remember last unpdate) on a Pi3 all working nice until a few days ago, we had a power outage at home and it doesn’t work anymore I connected a monitor and all I can see is this, doesn’t matter (except for ‘login’) any command i write, show the same error “function symbol table not sorted… etc”
I’ve been searching but can’t find any similar cases so I don’t know how to fix it, I’m considering reinstalling, but I prefer to repair it in case it happens again.
If image doesn't look good here is the text
Waiting for the Home Assistant CLI to be ready…
function symbol table not sorted by PC offset: 0x1013ea60 net.IP.IsLinkLocalMulticast > 0x17ebd0
0x17dc00 net.(xipu6ZoneCache).index
0x17df20 rfacerable
fatal error: mallocgc called without a P or outside bootstrapping
runt ime: panic before malloc heap initial ized
runtine stack:
fatal error: index out of range
runt ime: panic before malloc heap initialized
panic during panic
runt ine stack:
fatal error: index out of range
runtime: panic before malloc heap initialized
stack trace unavailable
ha> help
Note: Use “loyin” to enter operating systen shell
function synbol table not sorted by PC offset: Ox1013ea60 net.IP.IsLinkLocalMulticast > 0x17ebd0
6x17dc00 net.(=ipubZoneCache). index
0x17df20 rfacelable
fatal error: mallocgc called without a P or outside bootstrapping
runtine: panic before malloc heap initialized
runtine stack:
fatal error: index out of range
runt ine: panic before malloc heap initialized
panic during panic
runtine stack:
fatal error: index out of range
runtime: panic before malloc heap initialized
stack trace unavailable
ha > login
Try to Reboot your PI again ( Un-plugg it, and plug it in again and start ) and don’t type login !
first test which commands are available, if none then type login
when you are in (as the pic shows # you cab type" ls -la " to see the file/folders where you “are”
I’ve restarted many times, I forgot to mention.
no commands are available, anything I write (with th green ha >) gives me the same block of error, like it shows in the picture when I wrote “help”.
Here are the folders listed
This seems related to iphone … which i never use
nor do i use/know of
Facelab ?
You might have a corrupt memory issue, or some corrupt integration, or just insufficient(not enough) memory
If your are getting anywhere ( Command-vice ), you could disable some integrations
And i noticed you been"around" since 2018, so maybe you have to much/or “old” stuff in configuration.yaml, you can “commend out”, so it’s just “basic stuff” or as little as possible, so HA don’t have to “strugle” with alot of custom stuff (automations/scripts etc.) during startup
PS: You find your /config (/homeassistant)
cd / … hit enter!
cd /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant
check your logs, edit configuration.yaml, delete your DB-file etc
I’m with a new installation, in a new home, the previous one finally was used just to open and close some curtains and then I stopped learning HA, Google assistant + wifi was enough. In the new home I’m free to make more things so here I am.
If I delete my DB-file I wont loose useful information?
I’m thinking at this point just to giveup and try to recover my last backup and make a new install, but I would like to solve this.
btw, here are last lines of logs
Based on what you just and previous have said, and the fact, that the db-file most likely already is corrupt, after the power outage … No you will not loose any useful information
If you cant follow the suggestions in my previous post , yes you could choose the install a new, fresh installation
or first try update
ha host update
ha os update
ha su update
And I assume you by now, after all years, are aware of which “part” of ha this start up-log comes from, and also what you should / could do next , if you want to investigate this further.