I have an issue where my HA installation (on a Pi4 4GB) crashes at least daily. Sometimes multiple times per day.
I had initially hoped that this was the SD card, so replaced the card however this has made no difference.
I have also deleted the database and created a new one. This hasn’t fixed the problem either.
I have also tried to look in the logs, but I can’t see any logs from before each crash. The log seems to start fresh at each restart.
Can anyone offer any help as to what might be causing this, or a way to see the logs that will help determine what is going on?
I found my logs using Linux Reader, however the timestamp on the last log is nowhere near when it crashed. The last log I have is from 22:59 last night, but the crash happened today around 15.00?
The time is UTC time. Also to get to the previous boot logs you need either a monitor and keyboard and login or use SSH 22222. My fix was to downgrade the os to 5.4.
Thanks for your help with this so far.
I thought I had sorted it, as there was an integration causing a repeating error - was showing it had reoccured over 20,000 times. I fixed this, however the problem continues.
Below is the log from the last 30 minutes before the last crash. I don’t see anything obvious here that would be causing it to fall over.
Does it enlighten anyone?
Thanks again,
2021-04-06 11:00:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tcp] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
2021-04-06 11:00:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error opening stream rtsp://username/[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
2021-04-06 11:05:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tcp] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
2021-04-06 11:05:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error opening stream rtsp://username/[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
2021-04-06 11:09:34 ERROR (Poll status) [pyShelly] Timeout connecting to [shellydimmer-DB346C.localdomain]
2021-04-06 11:10:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tcp] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
2021-04-06 11:10:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error opening stream rtsp://username/[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
2021-04-06 11:15:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tcp] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
2021-04-06 11:15:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error opening stream rtsp://username/[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
2021-04-06 11:15:47 WARNING (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local._252) [homeassistant.components.cast.discovery] setup_internal_discovery failed to get info for 4ce273e5-e0ca-4568-a71f-46b6bf84832d, Google-Cast-Group-4CE273E5E0CA4568A71F46B6BF84832D._googlecast._tcp.local.
2021-04-06 11:16:37 WARNING (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local._252) [homeassistant.components.cast.discovery] setup_internal_discovery failed to get info for cad7f905-3136-4239-aa48-13d9fe44832a, Google-Cast-Group-CAD7F90531364239AA4813D9FE44832A._googlecast._tcp.local.
2021-04-06 11:16:49 WARNING (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__googlecast._tcp.local._252) [homeassistant.components.cast.discovery] setup_internal_discovery failed to get info for d57482ec-d241-455c-bba2-bc5f067cf5ad, Google-Cast-Group-D57482ECD241455CBBA2BC5F067CF5AD._googlecast._tcp.local.
2021-04-06 11:20:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tcp] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
2021-04-06 11:20:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error opening stream rtsp://username/[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
2021-04-06 11:25:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tcp] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
2021-04-06 11:25:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error opening stream rtsp://username/[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
2021-04-06 11:30:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tcp] Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
2021-04-06 11:30:14 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error opening stream rtsp://username/[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102