HA now refusing to open in a Chrome browser window

All was good with my HA installation which is running on an Oracle VM on a Windows 11 PC. Everything was fine yesterday and this morning there was an update to take HAOS up to the latest edition. I checked the update log to see what was to be changed, it looked mostly like changes for the new Ai stuff, which I am not using, so I updated the HA instance (with create a back-up selected).

The update went through, followed by a couple of minor updates to BubbleCard and Octopus Energy. All was good I thought, until I checked the ENERGY dashboard and saw two of the needle worry gauges showing as flat zeros, even though it was almost mid-day and by now they would be half way up the dial. Still not worrying unduly I left it to run, then when I next paged the tab to refresh it, the tab refused to connect to the local address. Still not worried, I completely rebooted the PC and gave everything a fresh start … however, having changed absolutely nothing except the HA OS update, whilst I can start HA and it is confirmed as running in the Supervisor window, I simply cannot connect to is using homeassistant.local:8123 no matter what I try.

Stumped to know what to do next, any advice please guys?

Look at the console on your VM.

Hi WallyR, what in particular I am looking for on the VM console?

What message is on the console?

Have you tried using the ip address instead of homeassistant.local?

You can also type ‘info’ on the console, does it say it’s running, freeze state, starting or what?

Hi, yes I have tried various suggestions including IP address itself, but all to no avail. Typing INFO on the console gives me a full healthy report and STATE = RUNNING

Are you able to pin

yes, instant response every time :+1:

Everything does appear to be as it should, here are some steps you can try:

  • Until you succeed, just try to eliminate any mDNS issues
  • Try to open that URL in an incognito browser, if it works then you might have an extension causing the issue
  • Try different browsers, if they work then Chrome is the problem
  • Try the Home Assistant client, both mobile and desktop
  • Try restarting HA in safe mode to see if there is some HA issue at play

Those would be my troubleshooting steps. The fact that it’s running and you can ping it strongly suggests this is not an HA issue.

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I’ll go back through the steps you have listed - I have already tried two alternate browsers, incognito mode, mobile HA client, desktop too but I haven’t tried starting HA in safe-mode. To add, I haven’t added, altered, installed anything between HA working fine and now failing to load. My last action before armageddon was to update HA Core to the latest version. It seemed to have worked, but within the hour afterwards things started to fail on me.

Thanks for the assist, I will report back once I have tried suggestions.

Then add rolling back to the previous version to your list. I suspect restarting in safe mode will bring light to the issue if that’s the case.

  • Other typical causes can be a Windows driver update, which does not support promiscuous mode on the network card.
  • A faulty setup of the VM network.
  • A firewall on the client machine.

Not sure how to start HA in safe mode - looking for help/guidance on that pls

Promiscuous mode - disabled
Windows had not been updated before the problem arose (but has now been following a further restart on the PC)
VM network had been operational since early March this year, suggesting it was configured cleanly
Firewall checked and double checked - no changes to the state of any existing entry listed and the windows firewall settings hadn’t been touched during the past 3 months

That should be enabled!

If it is disabled, then how is your VM network configured?
With NAT?

Further to the above help, I am still no further forward with resolving this issue. However, in order not to waste any more time for anybody, I am abandoning the Virtual Box VM approach and will restart my HA journey using a T-4 micro PC pre-loaded with HA. Thank-you for all of the assists, greatly appreciated.