HA on Pi4 with 7” TouchMonitor

Hi everybody
I’m complete new in this topic.

I couldn’t find a answer to my question, but maybe I didn’t search proper.
Please help me.
I want to start with Home Automation.
I bought a Raspberry 4 with 4GB Ram and a Waveshare 7” TouchMonitor
Now I have a small issue.
I could connect to the HomeAssistant via ssh from my computer. But on the TouchMonitor I see a complete different picture. It looks like the normal raspbian screen. but also the lines are shifted, so that I see a part of the screen under the cursor and the major part in the top.

But I want to have this screen to look like when connected with ssh and the the dashboard or Lovelace.

Could someone give me help to get this configured in the best way.

Best regards and thank everybody in advance for helping


You don’t normally see the HA display on the Raspberry Pi monitor - you access it with another device on the same network using an ordinary browser. The url should be http://homeassistant.local:8123/

Thank you for your quick reply.

Let me repeat:
When I run HomeAssistant on my Pi4, I’m not able to connect a display direct to watch my dashboard.
To see my dashboard in HA, I always need to have a second device, like a second raspberry, a computer or a tablet.

I expectation was to run HA on a Raspberry with a HDMI connected and I could access it direct from there.