Hello, I am very new to HA, right now I got rpi 3 model B running HA, I use it for controlling lights in my home using sonoff r2 mini relays and ewelink app, works fine (but only with ewelink app, there’re problems with HA, but I created separate thread named “Sonoff R2 mini (ewelink) on HA”), but now I got cm4 and two different boards for it, I know about cm4 yellow, but I could not get that one, so now i got these two boards - Compute Module 4 IO Board (this one is easy) and the other one is cm4indv13 Expansion Board (this one is harder to find), so my first question for you guys is - which board should I use? I know that to answer that you need more information about what would I do with it and so on…so I plan to use it just for home, meaning controlling lights, connecting to touchscreen, maybe mounting the screen to a wall, connecting my smart doorbell and things like that…I also got a NAS, so I like these toys, you get the idea…so which board is better in your opinion?
Second question is kind of weird I guess, but now let’s say I got cm4 and a board and I want to move from my rpi3 to cm4, how can I do that? I don’t know much, but I am guessing that each option for HA installation is specific to a device and each installation option covers all parts on a specific board, let’s say for cm4 yellow there is a specific installation option, meaning it is an installation for yellow board, so that all of the ports could be used, so if I’m correct - I need to know first which installation option would work on my board? Because I already installed to sd card the installation option for yellow, but my hardware is not cm4 yellow, so it’s a different board, so now I’m not sure it was the correct option for me, so question is - would cm4 yellow installation work on any board, I mean I get that it is for cm4, cm4 is the main module, the board is just additional ports and connections, but maybe cm4 yellow installation is very specific to that board and maybe other ports on my board would not work? I know it’s a weird question
that’s all, thx for reading, looking forward to you guys trashing me in the comments lol