HA on TrueNas not working after upgrade to last version

I have an instance of HA running on my TrueNAS machine for more than one year.
I recently did an upgrade to Home Assistant 2021.12.10 and it stopped working.
By that, I mean that I cannot access the web gui anymore on port 8123 (with IPv4 address) and that all automations I had setup stopped working.
I can still access it via the console though, and it seems that it it still running :


Nothing goes in the log file anymore, last message I got was from 3 days ago :
‘’‘2022-07-19 17:02:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [34639581728] Error handling message: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘support_confirm’]. Got True’’’

I also checked if it was listening on any port (did nmap and netstat). Seems that it is not listening on any port.

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,
