HA or HASS issue?

I have been integrating S19 & S17 crypto miners using HASS.

The S19s all worked “out of the box” and are now automated to turn on / off in sequence as my home solar farm ramps up / down.

The S17s are only partially working. They report that they are working and consuming electricity but the entities list does not have an on/off.

Both systems are running Vnish OS, which is support by HASS.

Am I missing something in HA or do I need to bring it up in the HASS group?

Hi Cranky4u,
Welcome to the Home Assistant Community!

You asked HA or HASS…
As a new Home Assistant person you probably wouldn’t know this. The term HASS means hate in German, so the Home Assistant Project has not used that anywhere a customer will see it for 4 or 5 years. There are some internal code references that have not been converted yet and that gets fixed as things are edited. Some custom components have not caught up to that yet.

Generically we use HA alone, but not that other one.

Specifically I don’t know how to fix the problem, I am not familiar with that OS.

Perhaps if you asked the question to the Custom Integration author they may be able to shed light.