HA-OS as filtering/routing gateway

(follow-up/tangent from earlier post; new line of thought)

I recently landed a NUC & doing setup from scratch, reworking networking typology with IoT nodes on separate, dedicated, isolated network, as I consider them all hostile.

I like knowing what’s on my network, what everything is up to & controlling access in & out, especially for “black box” devices.

Is there a way I can set up HASSio to function as a filtering gateway?

i.e. all IoT devices connect through my HA-OS NUC, which (essentially MitM) intercepts such comms, which then in turns makes the appropriate calls out online?
Any additional devices I connect, such as Zigbee/Zwave/SmartThings/BLE/etc, would get connected to the NUC & get similarly captured & routed.

The NUC has 2 interfaces - GBE (my ‘LAN’ in this case) and my WiFi (‘WAN’ in this case).

Is there a ‘standard’ way or some add-on I could use to facilitate this, or is there a better way for me to go about achieving this?

Hassio has not been a thing for over a year. It is called Home Assistant OS. Please use the new terminology.

Will revise, thanks.


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