HA OS on PI stops running


I am really new to this, especially to HA OS. I have setup my Raspi with HA OS and it was running really good and stable. But more and more often the HA GUI (web GUI) ist not available anymore. Then I connect the PI via HDMI and see the ha console - everything seems running.

Please correct me, I need to understand the architecture:

  1. HA OS
  2. Docker with HA

Is it right? Because on the screen I can see the HA console and it is working so far, but this is not a linux console, means a restricted ha console. During the restart I noticed that there are some probs with the IP-address or the network manager, which cannot be started due to any delay or sync with the kernel?

I am trying to solve this, but I do not know where I could find some helpful logs or switch to the linux console to restart the networking manager service… when using “banner” I can see that the system does not have an IP address although I have DHCP in my network. Or do I need to restart the docker container? I am really confused…

docker info cmd only shows me 4 lines, "logging, registries, storage, version… but no clue what to do :frowning:

Please help me :frowning:

You have a local network issue you need to fix.

Mhh, how to best figure out where the problem is? I have 2 fritzboxes and 2 wan spots from AVM in my network working in a MESH and I did not even add any new systems.

Any hints? :slight_smile:

Use a LAN cable. Make your box assign the same IP to the RPI anytime.

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Sorry, the system turns the picture:

Both is and was configured (LAN and same IP)

But at the moment the PI does not get any IP, this makes me wonder, just tried another LAN cable, no change.

Why are my pictures uploaded so turned around???