I am really new to this, especially to HA OS. I have setup my Raspi with HA OS and it was running really good and stable. But more and more often the HA GUI (web GUI) ist not available anymore. Then I connect the PI via HDMI and see the ha console - everything seems running.
Please correct me, I need to understand the architecture:
- Docker with HA
Is it right? Because on the screen I can see the HA console and it is working so far, but this is not a linux console, means a restricted ha console. During the restart I noticed that there are some probs with the IP-address or the network manager, which cannot be started due to any delay or sync with the kernel?
I am trying to solve this, but I do not know where I could find some helpful logs or switch to the linux console to restart the networking manager service… when using “banner” I can see that the system does not have an IP address although I have DHCP in my network. Or do I need to restart the docker container? I am really confused…
docker info cmd only shows me 4 lines, "logging, registries, storage, version… but no clue what to do
Please help me