HA periodically loses contact wit Insteon Hub

At random intervals, my Insteon Hub becomes unresponsive to my HA setup, requiring the hub be restarted. It happens frequently enough that I’ve hooked it up to a Zigbee plug to enable remote power cycling.

HA core-2021.11.5

Sample from log:

2021-11-24 23:16:11 ERROR (MainThread) [pyinsteon.protocol.http_reader_writer] Hub write failure (ClienError)
2021-11-24 23:16:12 ERROR (MainThread) [pyinsteon.protocol.http_reader_writer] Client error: (<class 'aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError'>) Cannot connect to host smarthome.lan:25105 ssl:default [Name does not resolve]

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Hi was this ever resolved?