HA Platforms and 2 step verifications

hi , i want to start with 2 step verfication on onther servcies, like for instance my synology

i have setup in HA some platforms
like for instance :


if i enable 2 step verfication on my synology, is HA still able to setup the platform? seems you cna only provide an user/password in the platform

thnx for the info

Most 2FA systems include creation of an app password - does your Synology gear support that?

an app to exclude certain IP adresses from 2 step?
dont see it here


Looks like you already had your solution. The last section explains what to do :slightly_smiling_face:

ok, making a seperate account then
but seems synology and HA uses google authenticator , is it possible to link them together maybe?
maybe usefull for other platforms