HA Presentation for Meetup (updated with video!)

I’m developing a presentation showcasing HA that I’ll be giving at a Meetup in Pittsburgh in 2 weeks. I’m posting it on Github so that others may use it in the future. It’s not complete yet but I’m asking for feedback, improvements, and suggestions so if you have time to take a look I’d appreciate it.


We have a couple of slides at https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-assets


Thank you so much for both of you Mr.Solo and Mr.fabaff

Just perfect! I might use them one day for my Homepage :slight_smile: But only with official agreement of course

I gave my presentation last week and wanted to share the video. Hopefully this helps someone.

I think my presentation is a good top to bottom walkthrough of the Home Assistant ecosystem and I’d love to promote it as a resource for beginners. If anyone has any suggestions to this end please let me know.