HA ramdom restarts every few minutes

Hello Guys.
I’m having this problem:

HA restarts randomly by itself. I cannot see a pattern.
I read that the symptom might be caused by a bad SD card. Mine was 18 months old, so I replaced it but the problem persists.

When I replaced the SD I installed a new 64bits installation and uploaded the restore file. I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3B+

Here you can see how often it happens.


In the meantime, while I was getting the new SD card I ran it in a VM, and I didn’t see the problem. I’m not sure if it happened and I didn’t see it or it didn’t happen.

I can’s see anything in supervisor logs either

Maybe the RPI is not stable? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Could be a power supply issue.

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I second the power supply check! Many unstable Pi installations are caused by a too weak power supply.

@anon94216691 @nickrout . Thank you both! I’ve done many tests and I conclude that you were right.
The problem seems that started when I plugged a NodeMCU in an additional USB port on the RPI power supply. (it was so convenient!) :laughing:

Apparently, the power supply managed to power the Pi, but JUST the Pi…

Thanks again for the support guys! I was driving crazy!!