HA Remote Access via Duckdns: Problem

Hello all,

I’m since two days new to the world of HA.
Now I’m trying to set up remote access to my HA via duckdns - unfortunately it doesnt work.

I followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbPh1QBU1A8&t=1157s

These are the steps I made:

My certificate isn’t valid. I also checked via “canyouseeme.org” the port 8123 - there is an error (could not see my service).

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in adcance

Sounds like your ISP is using CGNAT.
If the external ip on your router interface is in the range it is cgnat (there are variants lika a address.
If this is the case, you can’t do it. You have to talk to your isp to see what can be done.
Nabu casa is one option that will work.

Many thanks for your response.
Is there another option without cloud or monthly costs?

As i wote - if cgnat is the problem you have to contact your ISP to see what can be done.

I think you need to forward incoming 443 in your router to internal IP