HA-rPi Cover GPIO Pin Functions

Having an issue. Home assistant is setup and running fine on my Raspberry Pi 3. I am attempting to open/close my two garage doors using my wireless remote (with 3 programable buttons and runs off of a 3V CR2032 battery), which have already been “learned” to the respective garage door openers. I have found that by sending a 3.3V signal through the blue and yellow wires for 1.0 sec (first photo), It triggers the garage door to open. When using the Raspberry Pi Cover” (https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.rpi_gpio/), I can trigger the garage door to open/close.
The Problem: The GPIO pins have a constant 3.3V output. So when the event is triggered, it turns the pin off for the allotted time, then back on constant. So the GPIO is always running (second photo). Also, if the RaspberryPi reboots, it activated the remote, because it turns the signal on once booted.
I have tried “gpio write 4 0” using wiringPi. It turns off, but then comes back on constant when I activate the cover, or reboot the pi.
Most tutorials show using the 5V relay, but I prefer to skip the extra component, if it’ s not necessary. Is there a way to have the GPIO pin set to LOW from boot, and switch to HIGH only when the “Cover” is activated for the allotted time frame, then back to LOW again?
Any help is appreciated. I’m spending somuch time going in circles I feel.

I’m having the same thoughts exactly!
Don’t want to mess around with relays if i can just use the GPIO’s with the remote. Hope someone can help :slight_smile: