HA start arduino pins


I am running few tests before i will integrate home assistant into my home :slight_smile:
Good news are that code is working great, but i fund one small problem, that is getting big, in real life scenario.

I am using arduino switch.
Basic config:

    port: /dev/ttyACM0
switch 2:
  platform: arduino
      name: Button 1
      name: Putton 2
      name: Build in LED

Into pins 11 and 12 i have connected 2 relay module (https://www.espruino.com/refimages/Relays_2x.jpg)
It works as expected.

Problem is, that during start process of home assistant arduino pins goes into high and low state few times.
Which means my devices are turned on and of 2 times for 1-2 seconds.

Is there a way to fox that / workaround?
So during boot all pins are off until it will be on by the user?


nobody is willing to help?

Does this problem happen when Home-Assitant start or when the Arduino board is powered on?
Which code are you running on your Arduino? Do you use a Arduino Uno or another board? (some PIN have integrated pull-up/pull-down resistor).
Is there some pull-down resistor on your relay? (resistor between GND and PIN 10, 11 and 13, this might be integrated on your relay module).

The problem happen only during home assistant star prices…
This behaviour is observed when i see on screen:

INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded switch.wake_on_lan from homeassistant.components.switch.wake_on_lan
INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded switch.arduino from homeassistant.components.switch.arduino
INFO:homeassistant.bootstrap:Setting up arduino

When i restart only arduino i do not see the problem.
When i plug arduino using USB to raspberry (HA is not running) i don’t see the issue.