Since 3-4 weeks I experience strange issue with my instance. It takes minutes to open UI over public DuckDNS url inside my local home network (from outside it works perfectly fine) and when UI opens I’m not able to access Supervisor or any of Add-on tabs, they just show blank.
There have been no changes to my network or HA config (except regular HA updates) and so far it was working without any issue (I was accessing HA over public URL from inside and outside of my network).
My setup:
RPi 3b+
Hassos 4.15, latest supervisor
Few add-ons like duckdns, adguard home, file editor, wireguard.
Port fwd on my router from 443 to 8123 over private HA IP.
I also tried doing fresh install and adding DuckDNS only and the result is exactly the same.
I’m out of ideas especially it was all good and just suddenly stopped working
Have you done any router updates or changes recently?
Check your router manual and see if NAT loopback (hairpinning) is enabled. This recognises that the URL you asked for is actually a local one and routes you straight there.
I own Tplink C3150v2 and from what I can find it supports NAT loopback however people tell that it is extremaly slow. No mention in documentation.
However as I said, it was working perfectly fine and very fast (for ca. 2 years), no issues at all till last 3-4 weeks. I didn’t do any changes to my router setup (if something works, don’t touch it ).
Some small update:
I noticed, when I leave Supervisor tab opened (blank) and come back to it after couple of minutes, it is loaded (not always). When I click something it is taking ages again to update or just doesn’t open.
Opening HA in local net over https://<priv_ip>:8123 works fine except certificate warning which is expected.
Tracert locally (not sure if it helps):
Tracing route to [publicIP]
over a maximum of 30 hops:
I to have had a similar experience.
No issues for months, then about 3 weeks ago items like the supervisor page would be blank for at least 20 seconds, sometimes a lot longer and other times it would never update and I would have to close the browser.
I also noticed around the same time that accessing from http://homeassistant.local:8123/ would not load (unable to connect). This was how I have always accessed HA and just stopped working. This also affected my saved network drive into HA.
However http://192.168.xx.xx:8123 works fine although there is sometimes some delay when accessing Supervisor.
I have made no changes to the router and only made standard updates to HA.
I have an ASUS TR-AX88U on Merlin 384.19, HA is on a RPI 4 and includes Nabu Casa
Hi guys,
Just now I did factory reset to my router and everything started to work fine again. Seems something has stuck there.
That was strange issue but gone now.
Thanks for sharing thoughts.