Here is what my hot water consumption sensor values look like. They were logged at every interval the MQTT sent them (Tasmota OpenTherm integration). After some event, most likely HA Core update (I’ve updated HA Core to 2023.4.3 on April 13th 10:54, at least that’s the backup time) it no longer saves the unchanged values which is a big PIA when viewing graphs in grafana.
The MQTT messages still contain the full JSON with all values (OT19 in the case of hot water consumption) all the time. So I really doubt it has to do with Tasmota.
Any ideas what could be done to log ALL the values ALL the time?
okay, but it seems like it’s not working properly as sometimes it does not save the 0 value when the water is turned off. I’m 100% sure that the MQTT messages get through with that value, but it is not present in the logs. Does it ignore “0” values now too?
Okay, that has to do with the Grafana aggregation intervals. gotta re-think my graph settings