HA stops reporting Wink state changes

Sounds like it is still picking up the new wink.py.

However you can still test this without the client id and client secret by setting just your email and password in the configuration.yaml.

That worked. Thank you!

OK, I already had Client Secret and Client ID creds, but when I got the configuration card for Wink, it asked me to create an app at the dev site - which I did, only to learn that I will have to wait for an email approval.

So do I have to wait now or is there a way to create the wink.conf manually. Or would you prefer I wait so itā€™s a fully executed test?

If it takes as long as the last time, I could be without Wink support in HA for a while!

@rpitera Thatā€™s the same issue I had above that @w1ll1am23 responded to. Just use only your email and password in the configuration.yaml. Comment out the client ID and client secret.

Yes, that gets it working. The question was whether he wanted me to do that or not. After all, he is asking for a test and if he needs someone to test the entire procedure works, then someone has to take one for the team. :wink:

So basically I am asking him how he would like me to proceed and if it makes a difference for his testing purposes.

Hmmm not sure, for some reason I think I tested this with my old client_id and client_secret and it workedā€¦ so go ahead and give it a shot. Click the button saying you already setup your developer.wink.com and it will create a default .wink.conf and then put your client_id and secret in that file and see what happens.

Having said thatā€¦I believe the flow is good, the main thing I want to test here is that pubnub updates keep working. Working with a developer on HomeBridge-wink he figured out that changing the user-agent seems to keep the updates working verses getting a new token every hour which is what it is doing now. Soā€¦ this not only allows oauth with the new client_id and client_secrets but it also switches to the user-agent changes.

Might be out of the scope of this issue. But for me I use the Client_id and client_secret for the android app to get around the cover limitations with Wink. Is this still required?

Put my client ID and client secret into .wink.conf (You may want to mention this in the config card; some people may have a hard time finding a file with a . in front of it.) and then submitted.

Refreshed and presented another configuration card asking me to visit https://myHAurl//auth/wink where itā€™s just been showing the processing icon for the last five minutes.

Clicking on the ā€œI have authorized Winkā€ button just gives me a refresh but doesnā€™t clear the card.

Furthermore I got an error card which states:

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from

That IP takes me to an Apache2 setup page. The IP is not mine and tracks to a Czechia address.

Iā€™m full on confused now. The two may be completely unrelated but it is troubling.

I seem to be having trouble with mine now as well not sure what it is going on. This is a complicated process which is going to make it confusing to people no matter what.

Couple of questions, are you doing this remotely or are you at home? I had similar issues when trying to setup the fitbit oauth stuff and had to be on the computer running HA to get it working. I am going to look into this some more and see what I can do to prevent that.

If you are home donā€™t enter the url to your HA system enter the IP adress so try http://192.168.x.x:8123/auth/wink and see what that does.

I am at home. Using the IP does bring me to a Wink API login, but then it just takes me to another processing page icon with the URL used in the redirect.

I finally got it to work by opening a RDP session to the Pi in the GUI, opening http://ipaddress:8123/auth/wink, then logging in to the Wink API presented in the Piā€™s browser.

I got a successful completion message and closed the RDP session, went back to my desktop and refreshed and it appears to have worked. I just got an older fitbit for when I donā€™t wear the Android Wear watch so this is a good thing to know when I try to get it integrated.

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I think running it in an RDP session directly on the Pi was the trick that worked - letā€™s see if we can test this out with another volunteer. :wink:

I agree, I think that is what did it.

However I am having problems with mine now getting a 401 when I try to authenticate, had to remove my Hass password from my config to get it to workā€¦ not sure what that was about because I tested this like 1000 times yesterday and never saw that.

Just tested from home, from my laptop and was able to get this working, didnā€™t have to be on the box running HA.

Can you PM me and provide me with the exact IP address and urls and everything that you used/that HA told you to use so we can try to figure this out?

:frowning: looks like this wonā€™t work with the android id and secretā€¦ Iā€™ll add that method back in so it continues to work as well.

Havenā€™t been here for quire a while because my - better: @w1ll1am23ā€™s - original setup from way back in April is still working fine for me.
Happy to jump in again and help with some testing if itā€™s of any use. My production system is still on 0.41 at the moment, but Iā€™ve updated my TestPi3 to 0.46 and Iā€™m happy to install the lastest version if it makes sense.
Just let me know what I can do - I am pretty good in following instructions, despite what the wife says :wink:

Surely, but my setup may not be the one to go by. Iā€™ll explain in the PM.

The latests push added support for the old method of oauth (the one your are currently using) back in. So if you want to give it a shot, go for it.

@w1ll1am23 Once youā€™ve upgraded to the pull with oauth, will the wink state not refresh until I can get the new oauth client_id and client_secrets? I am still waiting on the new client_id and client_secrets to be issued and am now just using my email address and password to authenticate. This is the first day in a long time that I have noticed that wink refresh state is no longer functioning.

Hmm so are you saying that you arenā€™t seeing any state changes? If so that isnā€™t expected. Can you confirm if they were working/do work right after a restart? If not, it is possible I am only subscribing to pubnub if oauth is used in which case that is a bug and Iā€™ll check it out.

Correct. Not seeing in state changes. I just now restarted HA and things are working properly again.

If you donā€™t already, can you set your logging level to debug for a day or so, and then restart. If this happens again I would like to see your logs.

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