HA stops reporting Wink state changes

I’m seeing state changes since I installed and got it set up properly, just for the record.

But as you remember, I didn’t really ever have the state change issue to any large degree, so you have to take that into consideration. So in my case, using my baseline performance, everything is nominal in the new code for me.

Good to know, thanks.

But you using the client_id and client_secrets, correct? I am not doing so yet. Not sure if that could be the difference.

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Yes, good point. And despite my signing up on the dev site and registering an app, I am using my old client ID and secret that I got the old way (manually requesting it from support and waiting) successfully.

Thanks for bringing that up!

So your old client_id and client_secret worked for the new Oauth flow? That is interesting because trying to use the android client_id and secret didn’t work.

Yep. Thought that might be of interest which was why I included it. I’m using the client ID and secret that I got from Wink support via email months ago when we were testing the big refactoring. And it appears to be working well.

I got them specifically for authorizing for HA use, which I explained to them in the request.

Cool, that should make it less confusing for people that have the old client_id and secret. Although after @rabittn reminded me that some people are using the android client_id and secret I added the old oauth method back in so really only the new client_id and secret will need to use a different config setup.

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This one is going to need a documentation with steps and pictures… I’ll try to help where I can.

(Banking karma points in hopes of a OctoPrint update… LOL One thing at a time though - and this comes first!)

Oh yeah it is gonna need a doc update for sure. Might move all of the old auth methods to the end and make this new method the first thing that is seen so new people just start with it. Although the having to wait several days is annoying and might make people move on and attempt to authenticate another way…

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I wonder why it takes them so long? I really can’t recall another platform where I requested API access or OAuth and it wasn’t done almost immediately.

For those that have been waiting on your new oauth client id and secret… I hadn’t yet received an email notification, but I logged back into the developer site and clicked on SHOW DETAILS and my client id and secret were there. I was able to get everything working, but I did have to remove my Hass password as well.

So you were getting a 401 prior to removing your password?

Yes. I was getting the 401 until I removed the password. Once I finished the configuration process, I added the password back.

Okay, thanks. Not sure why that is happening, when I first started this I didn’t have that problem. Any chance you can comment on the pull request and let balloob know you are seeing the same thing. He might have some idea what is going on.

I’d be happy to report that issue to balloob.

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I just checked and same thing here; no notification email from Wink, but the app shows as approved as of 1:00 PM YESTERDAY and has been fully populated with all the details.

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@w1ll1am23 - now that I have a second client auth set, is there anything you want me to do in regards to further testing?

Don’t think so, waiting to here back from @dspille on testing the pubnub stopping issue. Just keep running it and make sure you don’t have any issues.

Everything still reporting and responding quickly to state changes here. :+1:

Hello everyone, after working with @dspille for several days, we were finally able to figure out how to keep updates working with these new changes. This method is much better than how it currently works as well!

So @dspille was able to test the username/password config and ran for ~12 hours without issues. I would like to request anyone else that was having the push update issue in the past to please test the newest wink.py from this PR https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/8208 and let me know how it goes.

It would be awesome to get someone to test oauth both new and old methods and if someone else could test out username/password that would be cool too.

@rabittn if you could test as well using the android client_id and password please do.

Thanks everyone!

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