HA stuck on 'Loading Data'

I don’t know what to think about this.

The reply by @jackw.27 got me thinking it is all a network a problem; I had some UniFi firmware upgrades recently and an update to the Controller. But that didn’t make sense to me as it was only affecting HA and @NickRP7 described a gradual ‘degradation’ which I think I also experienced with my wall tablet going first.

So for some reason I decided to just try one more time before some taking some radical action. I used Incognito mode on Chrome on my tablet and Lo! it worked. Then I went back to Fully Kiosk, tried that and yes, it works now too!

I can categorically say nothing has changed since posting yesterday except for a few restarts of HA.
I know you won’t believe me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So I’m happy it appears to be all working now but not happy that I don’t know why it is, or why it stopped working in the first place.

I’ll be keeping a nervous eye on things.

I do wonder if there is some underlying issue because I have discovered this is not the only current thread regarding being stuck on ‘Loading Data’.

I’ve found a way to solve it…
Open “auth” file in /config/.storage/ and under “refresh_tokens” remove all token with access_token_expiration: 1800.0 (everything exept the long term tokens)
After a reboot “loading data” disappeared permitting me to login in with username and password.
It seems that the token expiration has something to do with this…

Ah… this might make some kind of sense.
I never log out. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Maybe they are expiring while still logged on?
And on my FK tablet I sometimes tell it to reload the start URL which maybe requires a login?
I might be clutching at straws here because I know that doesn’t sound like that is the way it should be but………

Me also “NEVER” log out… it must be this

Hmm… on the one hand I’d like to think we were closing in on the cause but on the other hand it does sound unlikely to be something this ‘simple’.

We really need the thoughts of someone who has a deep understanding of the authorisation system.

Sure… Btw it works not on all of my devices. Android Phone ok, Desktop OK, but not on my Tablet with any browser. Damn

What tablet do you have and what OS is it running?

it’s not the tablet… this morning I’m once again stucked on all devices
This is so frustrating

Could it be browser_mod: ?
I tried disabling it and after a reboot it works again…

damn it is browser_mod: !!!
watch this:

just update it to v.15

I don’t believe it!!!

No wonder mine automagically started working again!
I had upgraded browser_mod.

@NickRP7 Brilliant find! How on earth did you spot that?

I started thinking about what we have in common… KF… then Browser_mod…
Inspector showed it hanging… the rest is history! For god’s sake

I’m running into this as well but I can’t see browser_mod in the webconsole to block it.

I downgraded HA from latest (docker) to 0.102.0 and it’s working again.

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I am facing the same issue.
I downgraded my Home Assistant which is running on VM to 0.101.3.

At the risk of committing necromancy, I have this issue aswell.

Frontend seemingl randomly stops responsing (Loading Data…)
Existing logged in browsers seem to be able to keep interacting with HA, but they eventually run across some reason to refresh and then the spinning wheel of doom hits them too.

Several hours later, it seems to sort itself out. Both occurrence and fix happen without restart or intervention that i’m aware of, and I’ve not been able to find a common trigger yet.

Already tried:
Deleting the .storage directory
Deleting auth file
Deleting tokens in auth file
Reverting to a previous snapshot

Any new ideas from anyone?

I’ve just run into this same issue, but it only happens when I upgrade to .108.x. It runs fine on .107.7. I’m running HassIO on the Raspberry Pi 4. I haven’t let it sit for longer than 15 minutes. Maybe I’ll try that?

FYI, I was having a ‘Loading Data’ issue very frequently and it wound up being IP ban: Recurring Issue with an unresponsive frontend

what did u do i am at this stage and have tried what u listed,still the loading data screen.

After a couple more updates to HA core, the problem went away. I’m afraid I have nothing more useful than this.

Today this happened to me so i slowly removed items i added in previously, and found that sensors.yaml will not handle letter Ä that was on there. removed that and it solved itself immdiately!