HA Supervised Hardware Upgrade - least painful process on a shoestring budget?

Is there an ESFF (Extremely Small Form Factor) PC or computer with a CPU that is 100% compatible with the 64Bit Debian OS that runs on the RPI (Linux OS v5.10.0-23-arm64, aarch64 CPU Architecture)? Probably wishful thinking - but what do you folks suggest?

Here’s the backstory to explain what I am trying to do so the ask is better understood -

I have an RPI4B w/8Gig of RAM running from a 1TB SSD. The SSD is external (Samsung T7) and has a special cable that plugs directly into the USB 3.0 port. It is Healthy and Supported Home Assistant Supervised (utilizing many HACS items and add-ons as well). I have several critical things running on the host outside of HA. It is tweaked to high heaven and running very well… (cpu average is 10% and only 25% of the RAM typically in use most of the time).

However, I want to take it to the next level - that is - add video - and maybe at least 5 cameras (eventually) with Frigate etc. I am sure this would blow away the hardware. From what I understand the video can be run on a different machine and connected to the RPI4 but the best most native way for the integration to work with full functionality is to have it on the same machine.

So, my first step on that journey is to replace it with much faster hardware.

I do not want to go through the pain of reinstalling and reconfiguring everything (I have numerous daemon’s running etc.). I have noticed there are ridiculously fast (compared to the RPI4) ESFF (Extremely Small Form Factor) PC’s on eBay for example for $50-$150.

My thinking is I would like to get one of those (or something with a compatible CPU to run the Debian - from the same SSD!) - just plug my SSD into it and boot it up and move forward from there! The second best option is to just clone the SSD onto another one that would internally be able to just snap it onto the ESFF motherboard…


No. You asked for two separate things. Rpi runs on an ARM architecture while PC is on X86/X64 Intel compatible PCs. They’re apples and oranges. And by the way you have the fastest orange (Rpi) available in your Pi4b

Your next step if you want. To upsislze will likely be something like the Odroid or an Intel NUC (yes Intel discontinued making them themselves but partners are carrying on)

You will make a back up of your supervised install, install the appropriate architecture copy of HA on your new gear. Restore your backup (its platform agnostic) and then move your coordinator usb sticks if you have any then finally fix any issues.

Not exactly what you asked for, but I thought I can give you something to consider … I run HA in a VM (moved it from RPi4 while ago) and a Frigate Docker with 12 cameras on a separate old PC (with USB Google Coral) as dedicated NVR. Frigate is connected to HA via MQTT for events/notification (supported in the Frigate config) and video feeds via MJPEG integration in HA. Alternatively, you can add the Frigate integration in HA to point to the separate device where Frigate is running. This gives me separation between the two and I can independently play/restart/experiment with Frigate without impacting HA while doing so. I see this as a benefit vs if they were both on the same host (in cases where the host has to be restarted as I try things). The “performance” impact of the 2 separate machines with MQTT integration should not be noticeable to HA (in my opinion - on any/most home use cases). Hope this info is helpful to you.

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Thanks for the reply @NathanCu. I have been happy with the RPI4b but I think I am rightly assuming adding Frigate and 5 cameras would ovrwhelm it… I was considering getting a Something like a Dell Optiplex 3050 Micro PC and installing HA supervised for 64 bit x86 and manually setting up all the daemons and then HA, but I’ll think/wait on that I guess!

Thank you for your reply @eftimg. Yes I was considering that but as far as I understand some of the functionality is then missing from the frigate related HA capabilities, no?

Also, what OS & software are you using on the NVR PC?

No, that is incorrect. Frigate can run on a separate device from HA without any lost functionality

@crzynik wasn’t there something about names having to be a certain length?

Names of what?

To my knowledge, all of the functionality is same - doesn’t matter where Frigate is running (same or different host).
As for the NVR/Frigate Machine, I’m using Debian.

Debian and…? (Sorry, noob here)?

No need to be sorry :slight_smile: It’s just Debian OS and I run Frigate Docker Container via Docker Compose - that’s it. Have a dedicated wd purple surveillance hard drive, which is configured as the “NVR” location for storage for Frigate via the Docker Compose config.

For what it’s worth… I started Home Assistant on a Pi3. Two or three years ago I bought an Intel NUC i3 used on eBay for about $150 (after buying memory and an SSD). The difference in performance was like going from a bicycle to a Ford Mustang.

The migration was pretty simple.

  1. Perform a full snapshot (backup) of your current Home Assistant.
  2. Flash Home Assistant on the SSD from the NUC (or other X86 PC).
  3. Run Home Assistant on the NUC then perform a Restore from the backup in step 1.

I prefer the Generic x86-64 version of Home Assistant. I don’t have to (or want to) learn anything about Docker or VM’s.

BTW, I have Frigate running with six cameras- mostly Wyse Cam 3’s flashed with the RTSP hack.