HA supervised on a Raspberry Pi


A few months ago, I have installed HA supervised on my Raspberry this way: Debian, then Docker, then HA supervised container. It kept running well until a few weeks ago: I don’t receive any HA core updates and, today, the whole interface is unreachable (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED).

I’m considering starting back with a fresh install, but I know the method I used was deprecated. Is there a suitable way to install HA on a Raspberry without facing such issues?

Thanks for the update.

Home Assistant OS is the method you should use, and the method you should have started with.


Great, thank you very much.

I forgot to mention I’m using a Pi2, I understand HA OS can not be installed on a Pi, only Pi3 or 4. How should I do?

It’s not recommended, but it is supported. You can find the install image on Github.

Do expect it to underwhelm you with the performance.

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Just installed Home Assistant OS from Pi2 image, works like a charm :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!

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