HA Supervisor Unsupported Unhealthy or NOT? Who says the truth?

I’m running on Debian 11, on a Intel machine.

Since the observer (bad boy) says: Unsupported and Unhealthy, I went for a solution.

But I’m unable to find which prerequisites I’m not respecting, or what is the cause.
While preparing the message I found in Settings > System > Repair > System information:

Home Assistant Supervisor

Host Operating System Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Update Channel stable
Supervisor Version supervisor-2023.04.1
Agent Version 1.5.1
Docker Version 23.0.5
Disk Total 232.2 GB
Disk Used 83.1 GB
Healthy true
Supported true
Supervisor API ok
Version API ok

Tried also with ha resolution info

here’s the result

- enabled: true
  slug: multiple_data_disks
- enabled: true
  slug: network_interface_ipv4
- enabled: true
  slug: core_security
- enabled: true
  slug: backups
- enabled: true
  slug: dns_server
- enabled: true
  slug: supervisor_trust
- enabled: true
  slug: free_space
- enabled: true
  slug: addon_pwned
- enabled: true
  slug: dns_server_ipv6
issues: []
suggestions: []
unhealthy: []
unsupported: []

I have tried to rebuild and restart core, restart supervisor, observer.
Nothing changes.

So the question is: am I safe and sound or should I be afraid of incompatibilities?

The checks seems to be run delayed after a restart, so wait half an hour before checking the status.
If it still says unhealthy and/or unsupported, then there should be links in the settings menu to correct those things.

Hello Wally
I’m checking sever hours after restart …

I’m confused because there is no clear indication of what I should correct!

There is no ‘ha observer restart’ command, but I think observer is wrong here. if you have a portainer add-on, try restarting observer.

A portianer add-on would for sure make it unsupported, but I think you are right with supervisor being wrong.
I would probably restart the entire system and not just single docker containers, like HA core or supervisor.

I still have Frencks portainer add-on installed (it is not available any more in the store), and my systems are supported.

Hi guys,
I’m not intentioned to install portainer.
Anyway I simply tried to stop my observer

docker stop observer_i

HA has started a new one (different ID) and bum:


My HA has been restarted many and many times in these days: I can’t figure out why my homeassistant.local:4357 was saying something wrong so log (I never keep history in my browser) and have tried several times from different devices.


Restart of HA core only restarts the HA core container.
Restart of the entire system will restart all containers.

Hi as already stated the solution was to stop observer.
That solved the issue!