HA + Switchbot Hub 2 + Sonoff Zigbee(+matter) + Matter...Can't Connect, please help

So I’m trying to connect my Switchbot Hub 2 to Matter (this is the 1st time doing matter). I’ve followed many videos and just can’t get this thing to connect. Here’s what I’m doing, please let me know if something doesn’t look right…

  1. Hardware and software is set up as follows…
    • All of the following are latest versions…
    • Sonoff Zigbee dongle(E). Matter firmware installed per numerous instructional videos. I assume is functioning.
    • Switchbot Hub 2 with Matter enabled
    • Homeassistant with Matter Server Add-on and Matter (BETA) Integration
    • The following are also installed but I’m pretty sure are not required for Matter setup…
      Zigbee2MQTT Add-on, MQTT Integration, Thread Integration, Switchbot Integration
  2. On Switchbot I hold the on/off buttons for 15 seconds, display blinks then pairing light blinks. Note that the WiFi network resets so it breaks the WiFi connection while setting up Matter.
  3. Using phone…On Switchbot App copy the Matter pairing code
  4. Using phone…On Homeassistant…
    • Add integration
    • Add Matter Device
    • App search for a device for a about 30 sec then asks for QR or pairing code
    • I entered the pairing code then pressed Next and get the following sequence…
      Connecting to device
      Generating Matter Credentials
      Checking Network Connectivity
      Connecting device to Home Assistant
      Switchbot Hub 2 pairing light goes solid
      2 minutes later I get “Something went wrong”

Any insight would be appreciated

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So I just read in the MAtter notes for Homeassistant the you need to have IPv6 ON or Automatic. Mine was OFF. Turned it on and it worked like a charm!

Thank you so much. You solved my problem too.


I am having the same issue with the Switchbot Hub 2 when adding it through the HA Android App. It goes through all the steps and fails with “Something went wrong”.

My setup is slightly different as I am running HA Core and the python-matter-server in containers. Now I am not sure where I have to enable IPv6. It’s enabled on the host machine (Synology NAS) but the Docker bridge network is IPv4 and getting IPv6 running seems like a hassle (IPv6 with Docker - Docker).
I would really appreciate any pointers on what I could try?

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Which did you set ipv6 to, on or automatic? In case it matters, I have ipv6 turned off on my home network.

Also, I have my H A server and Switchbot hub on an iot VLAN. Does the phone need to be on the same vlan as the hub?

Nm. Ipv6 is already enabled on my HA server. Still cannot add the Switchbot hub.