HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

i tried the nextion editor… upon playing around i see that the crop image changes the button picture on click or touch… how can the image update by the physical switch? is there a code i need to type on nextion editor… sorry for pushing this to much… :slight_smile:

For questions on the Nextion editor, I’d recommend checking out the Unofficial Nextion Forums. While the editor is reasonably straightforward as far as these things go, it’s still a development environment and you’re going to have some work in front of you to get the basics down.

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I’ve opened a separate openHASP topic here.

I am working on setting up a new HA server and trying to get my HASP (not HASPone) moved. I think I remember something being said about packages being removed and from what I can tell, it doesn’t work anymore. How do I setup the old HASP devices on the new server? I can’t switch over to the new blueprint method as I haven’t gotten all the pages working yet.

The original project remains archived in the original repository, so you can run the old firmware + old packages with deployhasp.sh just as you used to.

When you’re ready to make the switch, check out this wiki entry for how you can get that done.

Thanks. Turned out I didn’t have the recorder enabled. It is all showing up now.

I put together a quick video showing how to get HASPone up and running with Home Assistant and blueprints!


I have been switching over to a new Home Assistant server and think I have everything back to the way it was. I have all the blueprints/automations for the HASPone working so ready to start trying to get more functionality working.

I need to get a fan control working and was wondering if there has been any work done on this? I have a button for turning the light on and off and figure the fan speed would be something similar. If this has been done already, rather use something out there than reinvent the wheel.

Take a look at this post where I show how to use the Toggle blueprint to control a multi-speed fan.

Okay. Pretty much what I was doing. Only issue I have is the last speed button is still highlighted when I turn the fan off.

The trick is to ensure that whatever you are monitoring for the toggle state is actually in the toggle “off” state if you want the button to appear to be “off”. In the example I linked, that’s why I have the action set the speed of my fan, and also set the “on”/“off” state of the fan. If you have your “off” button set the fan “off”, and then also set the speed to “off”, then the other buttons highlight state will work like you expect.

I had this problem too. The off state of each of the speeds is different than the “off” state of the fan overall. I couldn’t figure out a way to get it to work to get the last speed to turn off when I hit the off button to turn the fan off.

I’ve recorded another video, this time digging into the Core Functionality blueprint:


Getting this to work is going to require putting the fan speed into an “off” state that you can catch with the template. The MQTT Fan component allows you to declare a set of preset “modes”. Add an “off” mode to this list, and set that mode as part of the “off” action button.

Obviously, the details of how this would work will depend on your specific fan device and how much flexibility you have to control the various preset modes.

@luma Has there been a change on the way colors are set with HASPone? I send a color command, but the color doesn’t change and there is no message about it being processed. 2016 is a lime green color.

[+72496.391s] MQTT IN: 'hasp/desktop/command/json' : '[
                                                         "p[1].b[4].txt=\"       No Mail\"",
[+72496.398s] HMI OUT: p[1].b[4].txt="       No Mail"
[+72496.406s] HMI IN: [5 bytes]: 0x66 0x01 0xff 0xff 0xff
[+72496.414s] HMI IN: [sendme Page] '1'

The colors should work like they did before. The log you show has the JSON message coming in, but only the first item in the list being sent to the display. Did anything happen after that? More specifically, did p[1].b[4].bco=2016 ever get sent to the device?

One thing I do note here is that the JSON is being sent with multiple lines, which might be tripping things up. Try sending something like this and see if it works any better:

["p[1].b[4].txt=\" No Mail\"","p[1].b[4].bco=2016"]

Okay. It’s HA that keeps reformatting what I put in, even though I am not using the UI.

I see the value being sent now and looks like it is being processed. However, the color is not changing.

[+1519.778s] MQTT IN: 'hasp/desktop/command/json' : '[
                                                        "p[1].b[4].txt=\"       No Mail\"",
[+1519.791s] HMI OUT: p[1].b[4].txt="       No Mail"
[+1519.797s] HMI OUT: p[1].b[4].bco=2016

Still concerned about those line endings. What happens if you only put the color command in there, skipping the text?

The problem with the line endings is I have no control over them. HA is rewriting the templates I put in to what you are seeing. I will see what happens with just the color.