HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

Is it possible to use a video stored in the HMI compile as a screen saver?

In principle yes, but the only Nextion models which support video playback are the ā€œIntelligentā€ series, which start at 4.3" and thus wonā€™t fit into this project.

If youā€™re planning on building your own enclosure, I would suspect the software components of this project would still work.

Are there MQTT commands to make use of the exposed GPIO? Iā€™m thinking for sound feedback on button presses/alarm entry/exit warnings etc

0.4 looks great btw, looking forward to trying it out!

Iā€™m testing the v0.40 and itā€™s amazing! thank you very much! Thereā€™s a way to set 24h clock format in the package file for the second screen?
Thank you very much!

P.S. I also donā€™t see the thermometer icon in the status page

Well, thanks to @benmprojects - exactly that thing has been added to the arduino firmware and will ship in the 0.40 version.

Here you can find the relevant automations for setting the clock time on start and then updating the time every minute.

In both cases youā€™ll find a line with this:


If you check an strftime reference youā€™ll find that %I in that string above will return the current hour in 12-hour format. Change that to %H and youā€™ll get the time in 24-hour format. Be sure to change %I to %H in both of the automations!

Any chance you could post a debug log of what happens when you press the button where the thermometer should be? The button press activity should trigger an automation which will place the thermometer, so maybe we can track down what isnā€™t happening if we can look at what is happening.

Thanks @benmprojects and @luma Iā€™ll check it out!

Bravo @luma. The new implementation is so good. I was afraid of loosing all of my customizations until I realized my two big customizations were my HVAC and my fan with light. Imagine my surprise as I flip through your new pages. Thanks again for this project, itā€™s still one of my favorites.

any chance you can share your nodeRed flow again?

Has anyone got a reliable motion sensor working yet? Setup HA Switchplate over a year ago and coming back to it, biggest negative at the time was leaving the screen on 24/7.
I saw some posts further up talking about a radar sensor but alot of false positives??

Hello Kson, i have a perfectly reliable setup with APDS9960 Sensor, configured in proximity mode. It detects a hand around 10 - 15 cm from the plate. However, the sleep and the wake up are handled by the nextion and the esp, its not an external automation.

Iā€™m using HC-501 PIR sensors and itā€™s working realiable.

I dunno, but I think that the idea is NOT to have an ugly PIR sensor sticking out the front of your wall switch?

First of all, awesome work on this. I am currently installing 5 of these ini my house.

With that said, I am working on a redesign of the UI and I am running in to an issue II believe is cause by something being cached, either on the Nextion display or Home Assistant automations.

Is this an issue anyone else has run into in the past? Is there a way to clear cache on the Nextion display?

Can you explain a little bit more about what you have going on there? There is no ā€œcacheā€ in this system, but there are a lot of global variables which you can set, and those values persist until you reboot the Nextion. Also, if you send MQTT messages with ā€œretainā€, those will be saved on your MQTT broker. In most cases with HASP you donā€™t want retain enabled.

For example.
I made a title for my pages that works totally fine when I run the MQTT command to change it. But then I go to page 2 and go back to page 1 my title is gone. There is nothing in the automations I have left that should remove the title for page 1. I have similar issues with the media payer.

Basically it looks like all screens are going back to default (how ever they looked in Nextion designer) when I jump between pages. So a media player would go back to default and not show the artist, title, play button etc when cycling back to it.

Got it, so what you need to do is to set the vscope of the object to global. local objects do not retain state between page changes. If you set the object to global, it will consume a bit more RAM and will do what youā€™re expecting.

It sounds like youā€™re digging into the Nextion editor. I started a forum for Nextion users that might be helpful while youā€™re learning the environment. We have a lot of really talented folks there sharing ideas and I think youā€™ll find it valuable.

In most cases with HASP you donā€™t want retain enabled.

Especially when you send the reboot command. :smile:

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Ah! Got ya! Thank you!!

Will check out the forum.