I wish there were comments in each of the “page YAMLS” that had better notes. Perhaps a section at the top that explains the proper way to edit each of the YAML files to make it work in your setup.
For HVAC, I edited the file: hasp_plate_p9_hvac.yaml I changed climate.mqtt_hvac to climate.thermostat for the Nest.
The heat and cool up and down arrows now just say “NO.” I can get the arrows to show up, when I change the nest to the mode: auto. I would rather not do that. When I get the arrows to appear, when I press up and down, there is no response.
When my thermostat is set to auto, my temperature values are also switched. How do you change the icons and color? That sounds hard…
Lastly, I noticed when the thermostat is in auto, and the heat comes on, the temperature value says “NO.”
Thanks for your help!
climate.mqtt_hvac (Dummy States)
hvac_modes: auto, off, cool, heat, dry, fan_only
min_temp: 55
max_temp: 95
target_temp_step: 1
fan_modes: auto, low, medium, high
preset_modes: none, away
current_temperature: null
temperature: 72
target_temp_high: 76
target_temp_low: 68
fan_mode: null
preset_mode: null
friendly_name: MQTT HVAC
supported_features: 27
climate.thermostat (Nest Thermostat)
hvac_modes: auto, heat, cool, off
min_temp: 50
max_temp: 90
fan_modes: on, auto
preset_modes: none, away, eco, Away and Eco
current_temperature: 72
temperature: 72
target_temp_high: null
target_temp_low: null
fan_mode: auto
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: none
friendly_name: Thermostat
supported_features: 27
UPDATE: “NO” for the temps was due to the thermostat putting NULL values in the attributes when not running auto cold / heat mode.