HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

Since I’m done with the number of HASwitchPlate I need, and you have to buy in bulk on Amazon, I have way too many resistors, transistors, screws, nuts and grommets. For the cost of shipping a kit of these to you, I’ll gladly send you a set of these. All you’ll need after that is the more expensive parts that can be bought is lesser quantity (like the PCB) or as a unit (like the screen). Just PM me.

Just want to inform that the hasp_demo.yaml and hasp_plate1_p2_status.yaml file are triggering an error at startup. Not sure if it’s since 0.115.1 but it was the first time that I noticed it.

2020-09-20 11:44:56 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.weather] The nws platform for the weather integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.

how can I clear the eeprom?

same problem, cannot access the interface…

self-reply: solved using Tasmotizer tool to erase and flash again the firmware!

Any chance there will be an update to the installation documentation? I am referring to this section. It appears out of date, or at least I cannot get it working :frowning:

I think the Mosquito MQTT integration has changed significantly since this documentation was written? I can’t seem to figure out how to make my hasp connect to my HA, and I have configured the “MQTT” integration in HA. This is the error I get when saving the MQTT integration in HA:

Thank you

Have you installed the mosquitto broker addon?

I removed both the addon and the MQTT integration, then re-installed the addon and then installed the MQTT and it seems like it worked… except now my Hasplate says “Wifi Connected” and “MQTT Connected” but the screen repeatedly flashes. When I go to the IP address on the screen nothing loads, similarly when I click the plate01 tab in HA, nothing loads. I can telnet but I am not sure there is a way to reboot or reset from that. Any ideas?

@luma hey long time in this post , i recently shifted all my mqtt things to API with esphome it is very fast as compared to mqtt and same wemos chip can handle upto -95 db thats what 3 of my devices are at no problems i was wondering is there any plan to migrate this from mqtt to esphome using API i am no code whiz but i will be happy to do any part that you might require in any future endeavours

cheers & hope everyone is keeping safe in these hard times ,

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The IP address shown on the display should be an open web server. Can you ping that address? Have you run the “First Time Setup” automation yet?

No plans there, ESPHome is a cool project but burning down HASP to re-write the entire stack to work with somebody else’s project is a huge undertaking, and also puts me in a position of supporting a codebase that I’m not familiar with and have no direct control over.

Having said that, the hardware developed for HASP should work on other ESP8266 projects, so if anyone wants to deal with the code side HASP might make a good starting point for a compatible hardware module.

I could ping that address. I rebooted HA and everything started working! weird. I had been struggling with this for a while but totally removing MQTT and re-installing on HA appears to have fixed. THANK YOU.

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Hi guys!
I’m tryin to carry on this great project on my own setup…

Any way to include an RGB control (like the standard rgb wheel) to control my led strips?

That’s a good question, I’ve posted here on the Unofficial Nextion Forums to see if anyone has come up with any usable Nextion-based solutions for color selection.

@luma is there instructions on how to remove an old HA SwitchPlate that is no longer used from Home Assistant without breaking the others?

In your Home Assistant directory there should be a subdirectory packages, and under that a single directory for each of your deployed HASP devices. Simply delete the folder for the device you want to remove, restart HASS, and you’re done!

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Ok, basically the display should be like this.
RGB wheel on the left,
on the right slider for white channel, slider for brightness, and button for on/off.

But, how can i get the touch position on the wheel? it’s an image item on nextion editor

Hi Giovanni,

I know your post is already quite outdated, but I was wondering if you’re still selling some of these pre-build units?
I’d be quite interested in buying some as a Europe model (Belgium specific)

Let me know if this is something you or anyone could help me out with :slight_smile:

@Heijt771, I do still have some boards - happy to sell some. They are not built (that is, you’ll have to solder components yourself) but I could ship them in a couple of days.
If you are patient enough, I could sell you ready to use boards (with components soldered including the Wemos mini, excluding the display) in a couple of weeks as now I’m out of the country.
In any case I cannot provide you with the 3D printed cases.
In case, message me directly.

Hope it helps!

Hey Giovanni, i’m interested too in a couple of pcb(s)…let me know (i’m from italy as i think you probably are too)

Hi, New user to Home Assistant since IFTT decided to charge for their services…

I found HA SwitchPlate and the geek in me loves the idea. So I bought the bits and have it working. :slight_smile:
I have one issue that I can’t work out…

I am controlling a Sonos device from the default “Music” page and have MQTT working and automations to do play/pause, next and previous track, populating Artist and Track Title
What I can’t do is change the volume using the slider.
I can see the MQTT value is 0 - 100 but the the media_player.volume_set service is expecting 0 - 1 so percentages.

I’m using an MQTT Trigger of topic hasp/plate01/state/p[8].b[9] with no Payload specified.
The action I’m using is Call Service > media_player_volume_set > media_player.sonos with service data of: volume_level: '{{ (trigger.payload_json.value /100) }}'

This doesn’t work but if I hardcode volume_level: 0.1 the volume is set to 10%.

What format of Service data do I need to use so that I can convert the value of hasp/plate01/state/p[8].b[9] to a float / decimal and set the volume_level: ?

Thanks Neil