HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

@luma Thanks for your help!
I found the issue, I was using a direct ip address for my mqtt server. For some unknown reason when I switched to a DNS name for the server it started working!
I will try to figure out why.

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I have searched this thread for answer, but I cant find any solution.
Can you please explain how to control a relay connected to the wemos D1 mini, that also is connected to the display?
I am a code noob, but I strive to learn.

The current firmware currently offers no support for interacting w/ local GPIOs :frowning:

No wonder I could not find the answer to my problem

Could you setup the wemos D1 as an MQTT device (Tasmota?) and control it that way?

In principle, it might be possible. One would need to re-do all the automations, and there might be some edge cases I’m not thinking of, but it seems like it could be done if one was motivated enough to do so.

Thanks for a great project I have just finished doing my plate for my bedroom and its working really well.
I would like to use the GPIO ports as well to added in a BME280 temperature/humidity sensor and the BH1750 light sensor.

So PIR doesnt do anything?

Not unless you write some code yourself.

I should be more careful with my statements :smiley: There is in fact simple support for a motion sensor like a PIR on D0 or D1, you can configure that in the web interface.

I hooked up and enabled, but not seeing anything happen. So didnt know what support there was.

Does the debug log show anything when motion is triggered?

where is debug log. Sorry

If you have the Wemos still attached via USB the log output will be available via serial. If not, check “Telnet debug output enabled” on the HASP web admin page, then telnet to the HASP to see debug output.

So the motion does work, I can see in the logs. I then went through mqtt logs and found the topic “hasp/brplate/motion/state” Thanks for help Luma!

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Any way (simple way, im a newbie) to make it into landscape orientation?

Hi, I want to update the backlightbysun automation so if a light in the room is turned on, the display goes to full brightness and then back to its supposed dimming when they are turned off.

To do that, I plan on updating the line

payload_template: "{% if state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') >= 10 -%}255{% elif (state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') < 10) and (state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') > -10) %}{{ ((state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') + 10) * 12.5) | int + 5 }}{% else %}5{%- endif %}"

(I understand the display will turn on/off at the one minute interval)

To add something like

{% if group.room = 'on' %}255{% elif state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') >= 10 -%}255

So if any light in that group is on, it will return on and therefore set the brightness to 255, otherwise the original code would get executed.

How would like write that line? All the examples for groups in templates are about expanding the group, but I want to use it like it works in an automation (any lights on, it returns on, all off, it returns off).


After some trial an error, this is what I need:

{% if is_state('group.room', 'on') %}255{% elif state_attr('sun.sun',  'elevation') >= 10 -%}255{% elif (state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') < 10) and   (state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') > -10) %}{{ ((state_attr('sun.sun',   'elevation') + 10) * 12.5) | int + 5 }}{% else %}5{%- endif %}

Groups behave like any other entities :slight_smile:

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If anyone is interested, I modified the HMI template to give the original sliders (page 4) a more modern, non flat look. This is what they look like at night. The TFT file is attached.



Wow! Looks very nice!

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