HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

… not really. Let’s back up a bit - what are you trying to do, what code have you deployed, what happens when you try to do the thing, and what were you expecting?

Despite the requirement for a bigger PSU, is there any reasons that a 4.3" nextion display wouldnt work?
I assume the displays are not waterproof and could be mounted near a pool?
Also are we able to use a wemos mini pro (due to the mounting in my pool pump enclosure I;ll need some boost to the signal)

Any change in display size is going to require re-working the HMI file manually, but otherwise the 4.3" basic should be OK with the existing PSU.

Nothing about this project is waterproof, including the Nextion displays. Maybe a waterproof enclosure might work?

I’ve not tested with the WeMos D1 Mini Pro but I believe the footprint is the same and I suspect it would work.

how do i make slider as 3 level slider ?
want to add for Fan, so slider will have only 3 level, slow mid and high.
im trying to modify p4_dimmers.yaml file, but not exactly sure which part to modify

Sorry if this has been asked before, but after upgrading to the latest from an old version and loosing the changes I had made to the package files I have some questions:
Disclaimer - I am no expert!
1- why packages, can they all be migrated to a automations folder so HA can reload them without rebooting? Or is this a speed thing?

2- example, the media page - can a input_select be created to select the media player used on this page from the UI? Instead of using code all the time. And similar for other functions, HVAC and alarms etc

Again I’m no expert and there is probably very good reason for it all to be this way haha

1 - For a bunch of reasons, but the major one is portability. I can create a huge pile of automations, and you can load them all into your setup with very little configuration. The alternative would be for you to manually create 100+ automations for every device you deploy. Not ideal :smiley:

2 - Sure, go bananas! PRs are welcome.

Hello everyone

I wondered if anyone has had any luck with a mount to fix a nextion 2.4” to the back of a wall plate.

What I’m trying to do is take one of these blanking plates, laser cut a hole for the visible part of the screen and attach a nextion to the back using a glued mounting plate of some sort. This was to try and have a pretty front matching my other switches rather than the 3D printed full plastic mounts .

Has anyone seen / designed something like the flush mounting bracket this would need?

I want the screen to be flush with the back of the plate but thinking I’ll need something 3D printed which I can glue to the back of the plate. This would need the printed mounting to not protrude past (ideally be exactly level with) the front of the screen.

Or are there standard mounting brackets for the nextion?

Off the top of my head, maybe measure the thickness of that blank, subtract that amount from the front of the existing HASP front-plate model, then use what remains as the back piece which you can CA glue to the back of the blank after it has been cut. Maybe? I’d be really interested to see the results!

Mostly, interested to see if I have an excuse to buy a laser cutter that can cut steel…

only problem doing it that way would mean if you apply too much pressure on the panel it could just push off the plate, even with a 3d printed rectangle frame to go around the screen then glued to the back of the metal plate it could just pop out, maybe a bead of silicone around the sides of the panel to glue it to the face plate.

Announcing a day-after-black-friday-anti-sale

I hate to do this but my costs on nearly every component in this project have gone up across the board. I’ve been holding off on this but today I have adjusted the price of the assembled devices from $65 to $70. The $5 increase is less than my increased cost.

Sorry folks, not the best announcement in this thread but COVID appears to be screwing with shipping prices and jacking the price of nearly everything up, which has been stacked on top of the tariffs brought to us by the genius mind of America’s soon-to-be former president and master deal maker.

HASP future

With summer mostly over here in Michigan I’ll be spending more time indoors and inevitably will wind up working more on the HASP project. Not a lot left on my to-do list but there are some code cleanups and automation updates to work on, and possibly a couple edge-case features which have been requested by users here and on Github. The project has accomplished what I set out to do, so I don’t expect that anything major is still in the works.

My goal is stability, I want to avoid pushing out breaking changes as I find that behavior annoying. To me, home automation works best when it works consistently without requiring additional care and feeding post-installation.

Sadly, it’s a philosophy that the Home Assistant developers do not share.

As a result I’m left needing to push occasional updates to HASP just to keep things working as each new release brings more breaking changes, so work will continue on a maintenance front to keep up with Home Assistant releases.


I can’t resist requesting an easier to configure user interface, I know that this is something that would be a huge project and not even necessarily deliver and value for existing users! — the current one is incredibly scalable but not noob friendly — I would have 5x more HASPs were they easier to configure.

Is there a simple way to turn the backlight off and turn back on when touched? Also, is there any fear of screen burn in with these screens?

Any chance of getting the PCB only shipped to Canada? Even if it’s stuffed into a christmas card envelope :wink:

You can utilize the built-in Nextion functions to control sleep thsp and thup, as documented here. However, you’re not the first person to ask this so I’ve added a bit to this feature request and I’ll try and get some demo automations put together to show how all this works in an upcoming release.

In regards to screen burn, I have several panels that have been running for a few years now with no signs of it, but Nextion has been known to switch around the LCD panels they ship without telling anyone about it, so I cannot confidently state that it can never happen. Modern LCDs generally don’t have a huge problem w/ screen burn, so it’s probably not going to happen but… I don’t control that part list as we all buy the screens as an assembly without datasheets specifying screen lifetime.


a couple of my screens have suffered screen burn, but they were older models i got over a year ago

Good to know. At minimum I’m turning the backlight off at night. But I also want an easy way to turn it back on if I need it.

Hi guys

This is more for the Australians out there playing with HASP, but I have finally released my design for an Australian style switch plate for mounting the Nextion display.

This is based on the HPM style light switch plates and uses a purchased cover to keep the design clean (and hide all the 3d Printing artifacts, keeps it looking professional :wink:)

This is actually something I did two years ago and was going to add a few more things like external antenna slot above the screen and a motion sensor before I was going to release it but ended up falling out with HA due to it’s continued breaking of things :frowning:

So I thought I should put it out there anyway as it is fully functional.

I have put it up on my Thingiverse page at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4660589

For those that don’t have a printer, I have also put it up on Shapeways marketplace (be aware though that I have not tested this) https://www.shapeways.com/product/C89HEXXCM/ha-switchplate-for-australia?optionId=91972580&li=marketplace


Thank you,
I’ve never understood the US wall plate configuration, so a civilised version is much appreciated.

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you can create a blank page with just one button on , and then create a automation to dim light and navigate to that page, and when you will touch that screen lets say empty page is p7 and button id is b 7 its p[7]b[1] so, upon touch it can do the necessary action that you will have created automation for

@luma any other better shorter version you know of please let me also know this is how i have been doing it

look at post 1526