HA SwitchPlate HASPone: DIY In-Wall Touchscreen Home Assistant Controller

I’ve begun more serious work on this request and have pushed some initial code into the dev branch. The next HASP release should see greatly improved support for handling screen sleep along with some example automations to handle everything.



how remove HASP from HA config?


If you remove the hasp_demo.yaml and the folder with your HASP device name under packages in your Home Assistant installation, then reboot, it should all be gone.

This is what that folder structure looks like. Delete everything that looks like that and you’re good!

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Luma I always thank you for your project that changed my life in my home !!!
Happy holidays even if COVID creates problems in this bad 2020.

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Anybody seen the new 3.5inch color touchscreen?

Thought about buying one or two to play around with. I have never delved into the world of displays, but go big or go home, right?


Mmmmmm they look goooooodddd

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Looking forward to new code! Have been having issues with displays not working since upgrading to HASSIO 2020.12.1.

That shouldn’t be happening :frowning:

I’d like to help you out here, can you explain more about what’s going on?

I’ve been working on the next release of HASP and I think I have most of what I wanted in there sorted out. If anyone is feeling ambitious, you can kick the tires on the current dev branch with the following steps:

  • Open the web admin page and select Update Firmware
  • Under “Update the ESP8266 from URL” enter the URL http://haswitchplate.com/update/dev/HASwitchPlate.ino.d1_mini.bin and click “Update ESP from URL”
  • After that process completes (approximately a minute), the device will reboot. Go back to that Firmware update page in your browser again
  • Under “Update Nextion LCD from URL” enter the URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aderusha/HASwitchPlate/dev/Nextion_HMI/HASwitchPlate.tft and click “Update LCD from URL”
  • That process can take 10 minutes or so

Once everything has been updated, you now have the option to change the LCD serial speed to 921600, providing an 8x improvement in LCD communications which winds up being noticeably faster. You might also note that the update mechanism now supports talking directly to GitHub over HTTPS. You can additionally configure MQTT over TLS with optional fingerprint checking.

Again, this is still dev and there might be broken things and I haven’t yet pushed out the updates to the Home Assistant automations. If you do decide to give this a spin, post here and let me know how it goes!


will i loose all my config if i update?

thanks for the great work once again Happy New Year


You shouldn’t! It’s possible the device might have some problem and need to have wifi and mqtt setup again, but that’s the only config that lives on the device. If it does lose that config, let me know because that shouldn’t be happening as part of the upgrade.

Hi myle, please can you givme your email addres, i need your help for Home Assistant.

Just PM me bro

Hi luma!
First of all a big thanks for making such super project. I’m quite a noob in home automation (besides that I’m totally different profession :slight_smile:) and I managed to customize to my needs and automations!

Hey glad to hear it! Did you give the dev version a try? Did it work OK?

Looking for some feedback before I push this version to master.

YES I did. It works very fine. I think I messed up previous one with my costumization (lower bottons (scenes, status and lights)), but now it works very fine! Also with group lights is now working fine.
I’ll report if something is missing :slight_smile:

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First off just a big thank you for this project and your continual involvement in it. It’s still my favorite project and has brought an incredible amount of versatility to my overall home automation eco system.
I installed the dev version on my bedroom HASP since it’s less critical and everything went really well and is working without hitch so far. I was going to report back once I had some more time with it but so far I’ve just been using it as normal with no issues. I haven’t enabled TLS to test but I did crank up the serial speed and it has been super snappy. It’s stable enough that I think I’m going to push it out to my kitchen HASP today which get much more use and has a lot more customizations on it and I’ll report back on that.
Quick question. I’m super interested in adding haptic feedback and was wondering if you’re still working on the final implementation on that. I saw that you recommended to wait that feature out as it was still not quite where you wanted it based off of the github enhancement request.

First, thanks for the feedback on the dev release, it really helps me!

In regards to the haptic feedback, I’ve made some minor changes to the code that was kindly submitted so that it more closely aligns with the rest of the project and I think that function is here to stay. What remains is to document how that’s used.

tl;dr - hook a motor controller to D2 and enable the option “Keypress beep enabled on D2” in the web interface. I haven’t tested any of this and would be interested to hear how it works for you.

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Sorry for stupid question, I haven’t found any explanation so far…
where do you change serial speed of LCD?


After you have upgraded the HASP firmware to the dev release of v0.41, and have upgraded the Nextion LCD to the dev release v3, you’ll find a new “LCD Serial Speed” option in the main web admin page on your HASP.

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