HA UI not accessible in 2.4GHz

Hi There,

I bought a new HA Green recently, I am trying to integrate matter(over wifi) devices in my HA but since my 2.4 GHz is in gust network, the UI is not accessible and matter device are not getting discovered.
I use Google nest wifi pro as my router but unable to change 2.4Ghz as non guest network. can someone help me here?

The HA Green only has a wired 1Gbps network, so you must be using a mix of wired and WLAN devices with your Google Nest WLAN APs.

Guest WLAN networks typically have “client isolation” so device 1 can not talk to device 2 for security - devices can ONLY connect to the external Internet.

Matter and most HA protocols rely on broadcast - which is likely blocked by client isolation.

I suggest you contact Google support for help to change your network, or move your HA devices to a “normal” WLAN SSID.

The Nest Wifi Pro does support Matter, but that will be as a Thread Border Router (Thread radio → Matter → Ethernet network → LAN + Internet) - and likely useless on a Guest network.

If this helps, :heart: this post!

Thanks for the info. It seems i was scanning a wrong device. I tried a proper matter device and it worked fine