HA UI super slow in Safari Mac

Hi, my Lovelace UI is super slow in Safari (fully updated Catalina) on 2015 5k iMac. Safari also complains about its tab taking unusual amount of RAM. It eventually slows to a crawl. I have NO issues with it in Chrome or on iOS.

Any hints? Thanks!

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I have had this! Solved by turning off content blockers for your home assistant URL. Jump into safari preferences and you will find a spot where you can toggle off content blockers for hassio.local (or whatever your URL is).

I do occasionally need to reload my pinned tab to stop the high cpu.


It seems you’re right! Wow! That wouldn’t ever occur to me.

I’ve given up using Safari for HA, runs so much faster in Firefox.

I have same issue, can you specify exactly the setting for safari?

Work fine for https://hassio.local:8123 but not for https://xxxxxx.duckdns.org:8123

No other settings than disabling content blockers for HA website. You can do it by right-clicking the address bar or in Safari preferences.