HA Users - Is this normal?

I have two users called Hass.io, both system generated

one of which is not apparently in a group


Is this normal?

If so why? If not, should I remove the offending one (and how)?

When you click the drop down, are there any entries? If not, I’m guessing you made the primary text in your theme white and you have white on white background.

For giggles change your theme to the normal theme and check again. If it’s empty my hypothesis is wrong and you can ignore me.

Normal? Well sort of, I have the same thing - However both of my Hass.io users are in the admin group.

I can’t even remove one of them as it says 'Unable to remove system generated users. ’

My system seems to run and behave normally however, and has been for around 6 months now with the 2 Hass.IO users.

However if it’s better to have 1 Hass.IO user then it would be nice to be able to remove the 2nd one somehow!

I couldn’t do that even if,


Looks normal.

I have two system generated hass.io users and one of them is not in a group.

I also have a system generated homeassistant user.

Well crap. You can probably fix this by going into your auth file which is hidden in your .storage folder. In there there’s a users section and you can edit the group id. Do this when HA is off and then restart

Yeah, but… should I have two? If not which one do I delete?
Feels like the sort of thing I might be better off leaving alone especially as like @Codec303 things seem to work.

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Hmm… not sure three out of four makes it ‘normal’ :thinking: (@petro doesn’t seem to have it).
But probably not a problem…

Well you could probably delete the second user in that file as well.

delete the highlighted section to maintain file validity.

Just backup the file in-case. I’m not sure if it will break other linkages. I don’t believe it would.

Yah, I don’t have it. I only have 1 hass.io user.