HA web interface: Enable "pinch to zoom" on mobile devices

FYI, this little trick from @scstraus works all around! Browser AND android app, dashboards in both UI mode AND yaml mode! Great work!


Can’t seem to get it to work on the HA Android app, did you do anything specific to enable here?
I’ve got it working fine via browser so I’ve ‘installed’ the page as a web app and been using that lately!

I don’t use android, but I think I heard it has a setting in the app to enable it?

not yet, we just got this PR in https://github.com/home-assistant/android/pull/2252


HA CompanionApp on Android → Settings → CompanionApp → PinchToZoom

Great work, people! :+1:


@scstraus @dankrill

Core | 2024.1.2
Supervisor | 2023.12.0
OS | 11.3

Is it suppose to still work?

On my Windows PC, I tried Firefox and Chrome with no avail.


Also tried with

  - /config/zoom-enable.js

Still works for me. I can zoom on all browsers. iOS has an option too. Only cannot speak for android app as I don’t have it.

When googling for video zoom in HA this is one of the first hits, so just wanted to share that this custom video card is fantastic and adds digital zoom and pan to live cameras.

The zoom and pan seems to work great on web as well as Android native app.

While it was originally written to support the frigate camera server integration the card works with any camera in HA, including native streams or motioneye.

(I’m not affiliated with this card development, just tried it today and think it’s great)