HA Webhooks HTTPS Local Network, and so on


Can someone please help me with a little problem? I have my HA configured with duckdns, which means that now I am sending webhooks from my phone to my HA, through HTTPS. My problem is that I can’t send webhook through my local network IP, only through internet/DDNS… How can I send webhook with the local network IP instead of external IP?


Nobody using webhooks and duckdns?

I got curl working on my LAN by adding the -k option - i.e. the certificate from duckdns is not valid for the LAN IP address. So I connect to the webhook with curl -k https://192.168.1.X:8123/api/webhook and it works.

I solve it by forwarding a port into my router

Having the exact same issue, cound you please describe what kind of port forwarding you configured?

I have these ports forwarded 80, 443, 81, but may depends of how you configured your HA

i have 443 configured so external communication is no issue. but internaly so frome “home-wifi” to “ha-external-url” i get an ssl error. “external network” to “ha-external-url” works like charm.
i’m realy stuck on this topic :frowning: